twenty eight

581 30 43


Davina felt her heart go numb, the world seemed to sway around her as she fought to stay upright. The girl felt as if she was trapped, forced to watch her worst nightmares become a twisted reality. 

Her heart pounded rapidly against her chest and a dull ache in her head wouldn't leave her alone. Everything hurt, she didn't have a single scratch on her body yet every part of her seemed to be screaming in pain.

The man who caused her agonising pain glanced behind Bucky and locked eyes with her. A sick, monstrous grin formed against his thin lips and he motioned for his Soldier to stand. He complied, of course he would... He didn't have a choice.

Davina stood still, she felt stuck, like in a dream where you can't move and have to watch the chaos unfold around you.

The monster of a man's smile only grew as he spoke to the Winter Soldier in thick Russian, his words made the girl wish she had never been taught the language. "она твоя миссия..." (she is your mission)

The Winter Soldier turned towards her in an agonisingly slow manner, his eyes stone cold and blank. At the sight of his face, all instincts kicked back into Davina and she started running, her feet pounding against the metal floor. The girl could hear his footsteps behind her, only, he wasn't running, he was walking.

It felt as if he was taunting her, making her think she could escape him, making her think she had a chance at survival. The thought made her palms sweat and her breathing become unsteady.

Her eyes were wide and fearful. Davina gasped and panted, switching on her comm as she ran, which she had turned off. "S-Steve.." Her voice was cut off by her hard panting as she ran.

"Davina, where are you and Buck, we're all waiting?!" Steve's urgent voice broke through her ears.

"Steve.." Her voice trembled, panic clear in her voice.

"Vinnie, what's happened, are you hurt, where are you?" 

"S-Steve It's not him Steve, it isn't him!" She finally blurted out, yelling the last three words. Her heart felt heavy as the words escaped her throat.

Nothing was said over the comms for a few seconds. The only company Davina could hear was the heavy panting of her breath and the faint footsteps behind her, which seemed to be closer than before, and moving at a faster speed. She was running out of time.

"Davina, you need to listen to me very carefully..." Steve spoke again, breaking the horrific silence she had been stuck in. 'Get. Out. He isn't going to stop, he isn't going to remember you, you need to get out before he gets to you. Do you understand-"

His words were cut off as she was yanked back by her hair and thrown onto the floor. The earpiece was thrown across the floor, Davina gazed longly at it, only to witness a heavy boot smashing down onto it, silencing the Captain's urgent yelling and pleading.

She was quick to get up, ignoring the burning pain on her right shoulder. Her eyes grazed over his eyes for mere seconds before she looked away, instead taking in his fighting stance. She couldn't look at the coldness his eyes were filled with. 

He wasn't there, the man she loved was gone.

Hot embers danced around her hands, though she refused her body's urge to let the flames explode out of her. Instead, she spoke.

"Bucky, it's me, it's Davina Penton, you know me-"

She ducked just in time as he flung his metal arm to her skull.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes-"

He shoved her against a wall, grasping onto her neck with one hand. He glared at her, not a hint of the warmth she loved showing over his expression.

"Y-you call me doll-"

"We met in the forest-"

"Your favourite cereal is cocoa pops-"

"You are my mission." He growled at her, his voice laced with pure hatred. The hand he had wrapped around her throat tightened, her airway completely closing.

A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek as she brought a flamed hand to his side, giving him just enough heat to surprise him so she could make a run for it.

He jumped backwards and dropped her crumpled form on the floor as the heat came in contact with his body.

She wasted no time getting up and sprinting away from his crumpled form.

Davina didn't get very far when a loud bang echoed around her ears and a shot was fired. The girl turned around to face him and looked down at her stomach, stunned by the pain, and that he had been the one to cause such pain.

She fell to the ground as he shot twice her in the shoulder, adding to a total of three bullets inside her.As soon as her body hit the floor Bucky was on top of her, a cold hatred filled his eyes as he brought his fist down on her temple over and over, no sign of remorse visible on his clouded expression, only cold darkness

He finally stopped to observe the state of which he had caused the girl. Her lip was torn and bloodied and dark purple bruises coated her face. Blood was beginning to pool on the floor from the gunshot wounds he had provided. Davina knew that if he didn't finish the job now, she would bleed out in the next five minutes anyway. She knew she was going to die. He had killed her.

Before he could bring his fist down one last time and finish the job, her quivering hand reached up to rest against his bloodied cheek. Her thumb rubbed against his skin slowly as the life drained out of her.

He hesitated, something was fighting against his mind, something trying to get him to save her. He knew her, he knew her from somewhere. She was important.

She pulled her hand away from his face and put it against her neck, pulling something out from her suit. Bucky's eyes flashed wildly at the dog tag clutched in her dying grasp.

Warmth filled his eyes and realisation hit him like a brick to the head. He fell off of her and scanned his eyes up and down her body, taking in the damage he had caused.

"It's okay.." She whispered. 

Her vision started to blur rapidly as he reached for his own comm, screaming Steve's name, begging him for help.

Bucky's face came into view above her crumpled body, his eyes begging for forgiveness as tears exploded from his eyes. She felt a tear leave his face and splash onto her cheek, and that's when the whole world went dark. And she felt nothing, but pain.

Word Count : 1178

◦T R A N S L A T I O N ◦

она твоя миссия = She Is Your Mission



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