twenty three

845 39 45


"You have to be in complete control, none of this half-half crap Vinnie."

"I know Wanda."

"And stand with your back foot twisted to the right at a 45° angle."

"I know Wanda."

"And loosen-"

"Oh my fucking god! Wanda, babes, I love you, but your killing me. Please can we just get started." Davina finally exploded at the stunned ginger.

Bruce had let it rip to Tony about her condition, and now that Tony knew.. Well, it wasn't exactly a secret anymore. Davina was pretty sure even Thor knew, and he wasn't even on Earth.

Wanda had offered to help her gain some control over her knew abilities, and Tony had been guilt tripped into helping by Wanda. She had pressured the Stark man so much he had looked to be almost in tears.

Because of Davina's agreement to Wanda's suggestion, the pair now stood opposite each other in a large training room. Tony had designed it to be fitting for everyones training methods and abilities. The billionaire sat in the viewing box connected to the room, he was supposed to be observing and recording, however, Stark seemed more interested on a box of jelly doughnuts, which sat on his lap.

Davina glanced at the man and couldn't help but roll her eyes a little at the sight of him.

"Sorry Vinnie, I just don't want you to have to learn the way I did." Wanda whispered softly, her eyes dropping towards the floor.

Davina swallowed heavily at her friends words. She took the few steps towards her and squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "I know Wanda, I know." She whispered.

Wanda smiled softly at the girl as she moved back to her original position. 

"Okay Davina.." Wanda stared at her briefly. "K um.. Crap I have no idea what you can even do. Man I'm a shit teacher Vinnie." 

Davina laughed. "I don't even know what I can do Wanda.. I have no idea what's wrong with me."

Wanda cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Okay.. Try just focusing all your energy on that dummy right there. Let go of all your emotions I know you've been holding onto. Let go of everything you have built up inside you, take it all out on that dummy.

Davina closed her eyes and held out her hands in front of her. She focused on everything from HYDRA, everything they had done to her, every feeling of neglect her parents provided for her, every word of disgust from her sister.


She opened her eyes and let her arms drop back down to her sides.

"Wanda I feel stupid."


"HYDRA only wanted you because of your family, all they wanted from you was a lab rat." Tony announced suddenly.

"Excuse me Stark?" Davina snapped, spinning towards the voice behind the glass.

"They're only looking for you so they can continue with their little experiments. Nobody there ever cared about you.. Not your parents, nor your sister, none of them ever loved you."

Davina face went blank, she fought against the tears starting to form at the back of her eyes. The girl didn't care about HYDRA, but it was the only place she had ever been able to call home, so his words still stung. She could feel herself about to break, about to fall apart.

A small tear dripped down her face.

"No one will ever love you." Tony spoke calmly.

"Stark that is enough!" Wanda yelled. It was obvious what he was trying to do, but this had gone too far, she could see Davina falling apart.

"Not Steve, nor Wanda, nor Sam... Bucky, Bucky will never love you-"

Tony's words were cut off by Davina's agonised scream. 

She fell to her knees and felt all the energy escape her frail body. Her screaming continued and she felt heat all around her.

The girl relaxed onto her side in exhaustion and opened her eyes. 

Fire surrounded her body entirely. She saw a figure walking through the fire, a shield of red surrounding them. 

"Vinnie... Your eyes.." Wanda knelt in front of her limp form, the shield still surrounding her body. Concern was plastered across her face. Suddenly sprinkles let loose from the ceiling and the fire was put out almost instantly, though Davina didn't think it was from the sprinklers.

Wanda dropped her shield and her eyes relaxed. "Maybe a little less fire next time." She whispered, pulling Davina into her arms and cradling her head. They rocked back and fourth slightly. 

The motion made Davina to remember some of her earliest memories from when she was a child. She closed her eyes and allowed the memory of her child body curled up on her mothers lap, rocking her to sleep. The memory was faint, but it was a rare treat to remember a happy memory with her family.

Her memories were broken as loud footsteps rushed towards them. She felt the presence of another person kneeling down besides them but refused to open her eyes. Davina wanted to stay in the darkness her closed eyelids provided forever.

"Kid.. I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I thought-" 

"It's okay Tony.." Davina whispered, her eyes remaining closed.

She felt the warmth of Wanda's body push away from her slowly, only to be replaced mere moments later by the warmth of whom she presumed was Tony.

He picked her up, one arm under her knees and the other under her neck. Her eyes remained closed as Stark walked quickly out of the training room and down an unknown hallway.

"Your okay kid." He breathed heavily and put her on what she assumed to be a bed in his lab or hospital wing.

The last thing she heard was Bucky's yelling voice entering the area as she blacked out.

Word Count : 935

Sorry this is short, I'm tired and just want sleep but I haven't uploaded in a while so I thought I owe it to everyone who's been supporting me to just get a part uploaded. 

Love u <3

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