fifty two

263 15 14


"You've got to stop telling yourself that babes." Wanda announced, blocking Davina's gust of incredible power with an unnatural force of her own.

Davina grunted, rolling on the floor to dodge another surge of power, erupting from Tony's training machine. "Telling myself what?"

Wanda sighed heavily, jogging over to power down the machine, leaving Davina standing in the center of the arena, a mildly nasty look upon her face.

"Vinnie, seriously?"

"What?" She exasperated, shrugging her shoulders in exhaustion from both the workout and the arguing session.

"Davina Penton. I am your best friend, and i'm going to be your only friend if you keep up this act." Wanda crossed her arms over her chest, melting into the mother-like roll she was born to play.

Davina chuckled half heartedly, walking over to Wanda and closer to where her bag was. The brunette took a long drink from her water bottle, listening closely to Wanda's lecture.

"-and you have it set in your head that your weaker than you were before having Rebecca! But in truth, i've never seen you more powerful, and it's because now, now you have something to fight for, someone you need to get home to."

Davina cut her off, placing the water bottle back in her bag. "I had someone to fight for before Rebecca."

Wanda's lips curled up warmly. "You know what I mean..."


The pair were silent for a few moments, encouraging Wanda to speak again. "Vinnie, if your this powerful in a simple training session, how powerful do you think your going to be in the fight?"

Davina shrugged, sitting down on the bench, back against the wall and allowing her eyes to flutter shut. She felt Wanda take a seat beside her, clearly unsure of what to say.

Davina's eyes opened back up, though her gaze remained fixed on the air in front of her. "You know Bucky's still in denial?" She murmured.

"Oh?" Wanda shifted her position to face the Penton girl, Davina doing to same.

"Yeah. He's got it in his mind that if we just ignore them, they'll go away and leave us alone. Or that this is all going to eventually work out for the better." Davina hid her scoff with a light chuckle.

Wanda rose an uncertain eyebrow, intrigued at hearing this new side of Bucky.

The brunette opened her mouth to speak, only to close it and open it again a few times. "Do you ever.. I don't know. Do you ever wonder what life would have been like... Without all, this?"

Wanda's eyes softened at the pain in her best friends voice. The Maximoff looked down at the floor, debating her next words carefully, not wanting to say anything suddenly and upset her.

"I have.." She started, shifting her gaze from different points in the arenas wall. "But I wouldn't have met Vision.. And you. So when I really do think about it, I would rather be living my life in this reality over any other."

Davina smiled. "Yeah. I suppose your right. It's just hard sometimes you know? I feel like the whole world is waiting for me to mess up, to drag me down and wait for me to give up."

Wanda's hand found Davina's, giving it a tight squeeze of reassurance. "Your not alone Vinnie, never forget that-"

Wanda cut herself off, head snapping towards the window. She let go of Davina's hand, eyes full off terrified emotions. She wore a dangerous expression, which Davina couldn't read.

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