fifty five

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"-what do you mean you can't get a hold of him? Doesn't this man own a cell phone? I knew he was ancient but I didn't realise he was completely disconnected from modern day technology." There was a pause. "Didn't he tell you where he was going?"

An exasperated sigh was heard, pure irritation clear. "No Wanda. The only thing he told me was something that only Vina would know, and I don't think that was an accident either. He didn't want to be found Wanda, not by anyone but her, only her."

Muffled talking between a pair of comforting, familiar voices drifted through Davina's ears as consciousness began to course through her tired body, the effects of Tony's sedative finally wearing off after god knows how long.

The Penton girl eyed Wanda Maximoff and Steve Rogers silently as they quietly argued across the room, not too far from her limp position on the bed Tony had dumped her on a long while ago.

Davina played their full names over and over in her head, something she had done whilst trapped under the roof of the place the Penton girl had been forced to call her home at such a young age. Natalia Romanoff. Steven Rogers. Wanda Maximoff. Anthony Stark. Clint Barton. Robert Bruce Banner...

James Buchanan Barnes.

Davina sat upright, gasping as the name of the person she wanted to see more than anything rolled over her disoriented mind.

Her two friends whipped around, eyes widening slightly as Davina panted heavily.

"Where is he!?" She yelled, pale face fading to an even more sickening colour. The pink frostbite she'd worn on her cheeks had disappeared, now the only thing she wore over her face was proof of the lack of sun she'd received over the past three months.

Steve remained still, silent in place. Though Wanda walked slowly towards her closest friend, coming to a slowed halt at the side of her bed. The gingers hand shook as she reached up to brush her fingers through the brunettes matted clump of dark hair, her hand getting stuck through the knots several unpleasant times.

Davina turned her face towards her friend, happiness and relief washing through her eyes. 

"Wanda?" She whispered, voice trembling over her name, the name she'd always been jealous of, a pretty name she wished she'd been given.

Wanda nodded furiously, tears beginning to brim at the back of her eyes. Davina shook her head, her own tears beginning to fall as she stood up slowly, clutching the Maximoff girls forearms with what little strength she had left, which wasn't very much.

"Please don't cry." Davina whispered, so soft she wasn't even sure Wanda had heard her.

Wanda shook her head several times, the tears brimmed at her eye lids starting to make the journey down her perfectly rosy cheeks.

Davina pulled the slightly taller girl close to her, she heard Steve walk out of the room to give the pair space just as they crumbled to the floor in a fit of laughter and tears.

They held each other close, backs leaning against cool metal bed frame as the duo quieted down.

It was only until the sounds of their muffled crying completely died, and the tears on their cheeks had all dried up that Wanda spoke, loosening her grip on Davina so they could face each other.

"I thought we had lost you.." Wanda spoke, her voice sounding more broken than Davina had ever heard before.

The brunette stood up slowly, hoisting her crippled body up onto the crispy white mattress and leaning her back against the headboard. 

Wanda sat on the opposite end of the bed, desperate to not allow another tear to fall so they could talk. She needed to know where she'd gone, she needed to know what had happened.

They sat, staring at each others broken expressions for what felt like an eternity before Davina spoke up.

"Ask whatever you need to ask Wanda... I know you want to." Davina mumbled, her voice slightly louder and more confident than it had been mere moments before.

Wanda smiled warmly, her heart threatening to break into a thousand pieces as her eyes jumped from bruise to bruise, splattered across Davina's destroyed body.

The ginger cleared her throat, questions itching to escape her lips. "Vinnie... What the hell happened?"

Davina let out a sickening chuckle, her head pounding against her skull. "That's a little vague don't you think Wan-Wan?"

Wanda allowed a forced smile to show against her lips, awaiting for her best friend to explain the last three months of her life.

Davina's laughter died down and a solemn expression took over her, memories of the horrific life she'd been living for the past 91 days rushing through her mind in waves.

Wanda seemed to see the depression take over her. She reached out a warm hand, resting it on top of Davina's and giving it a tight squeeze.

This seemed to snap Davina's mind back to the present. She cleared her throat several times, forcing back her useless emotions.

"She took me." Davina whispered, hatred pooling from her mouth. 

Wanda instantly understood who she meant, though nodded in encouragement for Davina to continue anyways.

"My sister took me." Davina spoke louder, anger bubbling up inside her. "You know at first I thought is was so they could use me, use me as firepower or something." The girl paused, forcing back her tears. "But I was wrong. She wanted to be like me. She wanted to have what I have."

Wanda's heart broke at the sound of Davina's shaking voice. The Maximoff twin's cheeks went warm with guilt, she should have been there, she could have stopped them.

"-everything she did to me in that.. Cell." Davina spat the last word, disgust curling around her voice. "Everything she did was a desperate attempt at power."

"It was when I knew that.. It was when I knew-" Davina paused, changing her choice of words. "I knew I had to get out Wanda.. And not for me."

Wanda cocked her head to the side slightly, confusion dancing over her features, waiting patiently for the brunette's explanation.

"I had to get out Wanda!" Davina's voice rose in volume, her emotions getting the best of her. "I had to get out! I couldn't let her.. I couldn't let her do what she had done to me to another... Not to my baby."

Wanda's body stilled, her lips parting slightly in shock. The girl whipped her gaze down to Davina's stomach, which one of Davina's hands lay protectively over.

A single tear fell down Wanda's right cheek, a new kind of pain washing through her. "Oh Davina.." The girl mumbled, reaching for Davina's hand, grasping onto it with a loving amount of strength.

The girls eyes met each others, silently communicating through their gaze.

Wanda opened her mouth several times, unsure if her next words were the right ones to say. After a mental debate, she knew they had to be said, and now was as good a time as ever.

"We need to get you to Bucky."

Word Count : 1231

Sorry it's been ages since i posted, i was away and didn't bring my laptop, plus i got COVID so i wasn't feeling up to writing. Hope you enjoyed this, love you hoes <3

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