fifty seven

239 11 7


She watched his star. Her eyes glistened under the moonlight as her gaze focused solely on the light star he had once told her was his. Davina Penton blinked back a happy tear threatening to spill over her eyelid at the memory of the two of them curled up in blankets on the way home from Wakanda.

They had been so silent, the only sounds that night had been the slow thumping of one another's hearts. She remembered his lips had leant down close to her right ear, and he had whispered in the voice she missed most.. 

"That star, the one next to the brightest star in the sky, that one is mine. Do you want to know why doll?"

"Why?" She had asked, sleep coating her tired voice as she curled up closer to him, awaiting his response.

"Because it dances around the brightest star in the sky.. You."

Davina memorialised the warm buzzing feeling inside her stomach the night he had whispered those words in her ear. Then she had asked him to say it again... and again.. and again.

The girl chuckled from where she lay on the roof of the dark jeep, blankets cast over her body, eyes fixed on the way Bucky's star danced around hers.

The girl had pulled over to the side of a quiet road a little less than an hour ago, not wanting to drive all night. As much as she wanted to see Bucky, she didn't want his first look at her to be all eye bags and exhaustion.

Roads were unfamiliar to her when it became dark, she couldn't afford getting lost when she was already so close to him. And she was close, she knew she was, she could feel it deep inside her heart.

The girl opened her mouth as an unwanted yawn escaped and stiffly moved her body back into the inside of the jeep, taking the blankets down with her and locking the doors. She knew no one would come by this road, though the girl had learnt that at this point, it was better to be safe than sorry.

She curled up on the backseats of the jeep, using one of Bucky's jumpers as a pillow, one she had found on the edge of her bed in the compound and not let go since she had returned. She breathed in the faint sent of him and laughed at herself until her eyelids drooped and sleep overtook her body.


The brunette awoke to soft rays of morning sun reached her through the cars windows and the repetitive sounds of crickets in the forrest beside her. The girl yawned as her eyes registered the cars clock, 6.47am. 

She smirked softly to herself in excitement as she clambered awkwardly over the seats and into the drivers seat, starting the car. She reached into the backpack she had grabbed the day before, biting into a muesli bar Clint had given her as she pulled out onto the road and began driving again.

Davina hadn't used a map or a GPS or anything as she drove, it wouldn't have done her much good seeing how she didn't even know the name of where she was heading. The only guide the Penton girl could use was the familiarity of the trees she had once spent to long hiding in.

The woods had starting looking recognisable the night before, though once the sun had set they didn't act as much of a guide. 

She knew that soon she would need to ditch the jeep and make her way on foot, there was no way to tell which road would lead her to the small town, only the trees could do that for her. As she drove, her eyes continuously moved between the trees to the left of her and and road in front of her.

Something caught her eye in the tree-line and the girl jerked the car over the the side of the road suddenly, gasping and panting as she flew open the door and fell out of the car dramatically, somewhat forgetting about the pain HYDRA had been casting upon her body a mere week ago.

She pulled herself up clumsily, walking better than she had the day before and making her way to the edge of the tree-line, towards the aspect that had caught her attention seconds earlier. 

Her withered fingertips, slightly bruised from her three month long ordeal, grazed over a tree, a gasp of relief flooding through her. The girl burst out laughing, unable to stop. She hobbled back towards the car, laughing and crying at the same time now.

The brunette climbed back into the drivers seat with ease, starting the car and driving away from the tree. Away from the tree that had her old knife wedged neatly into it, the one Bucky had stolen from her so long ago when they were both still on the run. 

A flashback coursed through her mind as she remembered the first time they met. He had been following her for days before he made himself known. She brushed away the thoughts and put her mind back into focus.

He knew he too well, he knew she would get lost finding him. She chuckled at the message he had carved into the tree for her, glee written all over her face.

'Next left doll.'

Her eyes shone eagerly down the road, awaiting the next turn off. Perhaps she wouldn't need to go on foot now after all.

She turned the music off and rolled down the window next to her, breathing in the familiar scent of the woods. The woods she had once hated so much whilst on the run, which now she found to be guiding her comfort. 

The road was long and narrow, so she knew it would be a while before there was any left turnoff, though it would come, she now knew it would.

Davina laughed at herself for the hundredth time that trip, her excitement taking over her at the thought that she would see him. She would see him soon, she would be in his arms soon..

Word Count ~ 1017

Love you guys so much <3

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