thirty six

534 28 17

Just a little heads up [TRIGGER WARNING] This chapter contains the topic of ED's (eating disorders.) I don't want anyone thinking i'm adding this in here just for the sake of it, I find myself wanting to attach an emotional wave into my stories, and ED's are something that I have struggled with in the past. It's easy for me to write based off past events and emotions. If anyone feels uncomfortable reading this, skip this chapter and feel free to message me for an overview on what happened, without the topic of eating disorders.


"You look better." Steve's comforting voice echoed around the kitchen, addressing the other tall, metal armed man across from him.

"I feel better." Bucky replied dully.

Davina stood a few feet away, watching the pair stare each other down. A heavy, awkward silence almost seemed to be taunting the group that had once been so close.

Davina coughed uncomfortably, earning a wicked grin from Steve as he glanced quickly at her before adverting his gaze back to his oldest friend.

"It's good to see you Bucky." He chuckled, reaching forward and bringing him into a short hug. 

Bucky returned the gesture with a large grin, relived that they weren't acting quite as solemn anymore. Steve pulled away and walked towards Davina, his smile only faltering slightly as he brought her in for a tight hug.

The girl could practically feel the concern trembling through his body as his arms wrapped around her. She saw him quickly look behind him to insure that Bucky was distracted by something else before bringing his eyes to her, concern visibly dancing across his features.

"Vina... You look- Different." He whispered, eyebrows furrowed together in worry.

She chuckled lightly in an attempt to brush off his words, hoping the ex-soldier wouldn't notice the bad habits she had picked up on during her stay in Wakanda. 

She had specifically been wearing baggy clothes when with Bucky, and attempt for him not to notice, and so far, it's worked.

Steve brought her in for another hug, an obvious attempt to muffle the words he was about to speak to her. 

"Vinnie.. Have you been eating? You can tell me-"

Davina's heart lurched and she felt her stomach start to boil. His words seemed to set off a trigger inside her body, a trigger which kept her closed off from the truth.. Closed off from accepting the truth.

She pulled away from him and plastered a fake grin across her face, hoping the deep sorrow in her eyes wouldn't give her away. "Of course I am silly!" She dug her nails into the skin of her palms as a response to how fake she was sounding. "I just had the flu for the past few days thats all, never could keep food down while i'm sick... Something I picked up from my dad..." 

Her words seemed floated away in the air, though she was determined not to show any signs that she would be lying. 

It wasn't that hard, most of what she said was true. Davina never could keep food down while she was ill... And she did, unfortunately get that gene from her father.

Steve was correct on his assumptions of course. It wasn't that the girl was doing this to loose weight, no it wasn't that at all. Ever since Bucky had gone into the cryo freeze, she found that it was difficult to keep down any meals. The urge to eat became less and less, she almost only ate when Wanda came to visit, or she went on coffee dates with Shuri.

Davina found that even when Bucky came back, the habits from her year-long eating manner refused to go away.

Steve's eyes studied her face for a few moments before turning back to his best friend, who was watching them closely through the steam of his tea.

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