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— melon lord

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— melon lord.

later on in the day, the group was forced to listen to sokkas big great amazing plan. then fought for a little against toph who was dressed up as melon lord and also looking at some old photo of the psycho firelord katara had found in the attic of the beach house.

the sad thing though was during the practice, aang was unable to defeat the melon scarecrow. even if it was only an image of the firelord, aang still couldn't behead a literal fruit.

that said a lot about the situation they were all in at the moment.

the group was currently huddled around a fire, discussing on what they should do next. senna sat next to zuko and was listening in on the conversation, not having anything to say.

"he's still a human being," aang tried to reason but zuko wasn't having it, "you're going to defend him?" his patience was sure wearing thin and senna could tell.

"no, i agree with you. firelord ozai is a horrible person, and the world would probably be better off without him, but there's got to be another way."

"like what aang?" senna asked the airbender.

"i don't know. maybe we can make some big pots of glue and then i can use gluebending to stick his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore."

"yeah, then you can show him his baby pictures, and all those happy memories will make him good again," zuko said, earning a laugh from sokka.

the fire prince sent him a you better stop now look which immediately shut him up.

aangs eyes widened and a smile grew on his face, "do you really think that will work?"

"no!" zuko yelled.

aang sighed and began pacing back and forth, "this goes against everything i learned from the monks. i can't just go around wiping out people i don't like."

sokka spoke up again but it seemed he didn't understand aangs feelings, "sure you can. you're the avatar. if it's in the name of keeping balance, im pretty sure the universe will forgive you."

"this isn't a joke, sokka! none of you understand the position im in," the monk lashed out.

"aang, we do understand. it's just...." katara trailed off.

"just what, katara? what?"

"we're trying to help!"

"then, when you figure out a way for me to beat the firelord without taking his life, i'd love to hear it!" and with that, aang stomped away, mad.

"aang, don't walk away from this," katara said in her motherly serious voice.

zuko put his hand up, silencing the waterbender, "let him go. he needs time to sort it out by himself."

it was hella awkward after aangs outburst. senna glanced around, unsure of what to say. well she was unsure if she should really say this but let's just go for it, "i understand where aang is coming from but if it meant saving the world then i would kill the firelord in a heart beat. not kidding. no cap."

the others all looked at her as if she had two heads. the girl just shrugged, "anyways let's just finish our food and get a good nights rest for tomorrow! im sure aang will be fine by then!"

she was met with mumbles of agreement and everyone began eating. a few minutes later, everyone finished and headed off to their tents, throwing out a few good nights or sleep wells.

senna stepped into her tent and laid down with a sigh. she couldn't believe tomorrow was the day. everything they did and learned led up to this day.

they were going to try and take down the firelord.

she understood how aang was feeling. taking a human life is not that easy, though she has done it before and it's something you don't really wanna brag about.


senna was the last to wake up the next morning, obvi, a girl needs her beauty sleep. she quickly pulled up her hair into a ponytail and unzipped the tent.

she was met with a smile from zuko who came over to greet her. she pulled him into a hug which he accepted and wrapped his arms around her small body.

look, they've kissed before but she doesn't want to push him into anything or make him feel uncomfortable. senna knows he wouldn't want her kissing him every single second so for now it will be hugs and kisses but when they're alone.

sokka sat ontop of appa, in the saddle, as he checked the gaangs supplies, "okay, that's everything," his eyes then landed on senna who was staring up at him with a smile, "oh, morning sanny!"

"morning sokka! what are you guys up to?"

"oh, we're just making some last minute checks. everything seems to be in order."

"wait a minute," the earthbender said, looking around with her feet, "no, it's not. where's aang?"

"thought he was with you guys," senna spoke as the others looked around the campsite.

"we thought he was still sleeping."

oh no.

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