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— the spirit world

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— the spirit world.

ryder rushed home, holding the knocked out dual bender in his arms. he walked through the door and luna immediately saw the condition senna was in.

"lay her down." luna ordered, running into her room to gather her stuff.

ryder knocked everything off the table and gently laid her down. she was pale, really pale and she was hot to the touch.

"what happened? where did you take her?" luna asked, walking back into the kitchen with her healing water.

"long feng. it was his fault, she attacked him then this happened! i don't know mom, help her!"

"ryder i need you to relax!" luna told her son who was panicking. with him in the room acting like this, she knew she couldn't help the girl unless he calmed down.

ryder nodded and began taking deep breaths as his mother used her bending to try and help senna.


senna woke up with a gasp, clutching her chest immediately. the last thing she remembered was the dragons and long feng.

she stood up and that's when she noticed she wasn't in ba sing se anymore or even close to the earth kingdom. she was somewhere else.

"hello?" she called out, "anybody here? ryder! luna!"

no answer. just silence.

wherever she was, senna didn't feel pain. the only thing she did feel was freedom. and her scars were gone, as if they were never there.

"you must be senna." spoke a low voice. senna jumped and looked around.

the person laughed, "behind you."

senna turned around. in front of her stood a woman, probably in her 30s and what was so weird was she looked just like her.

she looked just like senna but older.

"who are you? and where am i?" senna asked the woman.

"my name is tera and you're in the spirit world. im the spirit of the tiamat which is inside of you." she pointed at the dual bender, smiling.

"your spirit is inside me?"

tera nodded, "i've been watching you, senna. i know what happened. how you got those scars...."

the girl frowned, placing a hand on her chest, the memory of that moment flashes through her mind once more.

"but why me? a 15 year old waterbender. how can i have two abilities, call out to dragons and be the slayer of all evil?" senna questioned, those thoughts lingered in her mind since the moment she discovered she had fire bending.

"you're the chosen one and you're not only the goddess of dragons and the slayer of all evil.." tera began to walk, leaving the dual bender confused but she followed after her anyway.

they walked into a building which had a bunch of paintings on the walls. tera stopped in front of one. the painting was of avatar roku and the tiamat standing together.

"the tiamat and the avatar are the best of friends. the tiamat is also the avatars protector and would do anything in her power to protect the avatar." she explained.

senna studied the painting. aang was right. they do have a special connection.

"you must help avatar aang defeat the fire lord."

"what?! how?! im not like aang, tera. he's the only one who can do it." senna panicked, how on earth was she going to help aang defeat him?

"he'll defeat the firelord but you'll protect him, that's what you'll do."


tera explained more of the paintings as the two walked throughout the blinding. so senna, a waterbender from the north pole, was the avatars protector.

"i must tell you something, senna." tera said, as she took a seat on the ground.

senna awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to do.

"sit." she spoke again. senna listened and sat down next to the spirit.

"those people, ryder and luna, you need to know who they really are."

now this made sennas ears perk up. she's been with these people for about 4 weeks and she still doesn't trust them.

tera went on and explained how they work for the dai li. and that luna is training senna so she can at least try to fight against long feng but she'll fail. then long feng would make her disappear forever and erase any trace of her.

"they're going to hand you over, right now! you must wake up!" the spirit yelled at the dual bender.

sennas breathing picked up and her heart began to race. wake up wake up wake up.

she closed her eyes and opened them, still seeing tera in front of her.

"it's not working!" she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks, her hands shaking.

"listen." tera cupped the girls face in her hands, "close your eyes and take a deep breath then open and you'll be back. but when you are, run."

senna nodded and closed her eyes then took a deep breath.

when she opened them, she was in her room on her bed. the door was closed and the room was dark besides a small candle in the corner.

she slowly sat up, trying her best to ignore the pain and walked to the door, hearing voices.

"we must hand her over now, ryder. the dai li will kill us if we don't."

"no, please mom. we can't, i promised i'd help her find her friends. mom pl-"

"grab her shan!"

sennas eyes widened and she locked her door. she then ran around her room, grabbing everything she needed.

"open the door senna!" shan screamed, pounding harshly on the wooden door.

senna gasped and opened up the window. she climbed up onto the windowsill and looked down. it wasn't that far of a jump.

the door flew opened and the princess whipped her head around. ryder, luna and shan all stood there.

"senna no!"

and she jumped.

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