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—  no spirit healing water

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— no spirit healing water.

"the whole point of fighting the firelord before the comet was to stop the fire nation from winning the war, but they pretty much won the war when they took ba sing se. things can't get any worse."

"you're wrong," zuko began, "it's about to get worse than you can even imagine. the day before the eclipse, my father asked me to attend an important war meeting. it was what i dreamed about for so many years. my father had finally accepted me back. he plans to wipe out the entire earth kingdom."

"what?!" toph exclaimed, "that's crazy!"

"i wanted to speak out against this horrifying plan, but im ashamed to say i didn't. my whole life, i struggled to gain my fathers love and acceptance, but once i had it, i realized i'd lost myself getting there. i'd forgotten who i am."

"i can't believe this," katara said, as she fell to the ground.

"i always knew the firelord was a bad guy, but his plan is just pure evil," sokka closed his eyes, shaking his head in disgust.

aang buried his face in his hands, "what am i going to do?"

"i know you're scared, and i know you're not ready to save the world, but if you don't defeat the firelord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore," zuko says, trying to reason with aang.

"why didn't you tell me about your dads crazy plan sooner?" aang asked.

"i didn't think i had to. i assumed you were still fighting him before the comet. no one told us," he gestured toward him and senna who held a worried expression on her face, "you decided to wait."

"this is bad. this is really, really bad," aang said.

"aang, you don't have to do this alone," katara said, trying to reassure him.

"yeah, if we all fight the firelord together, we got a shot at taking him down!" toph exclaimed.

"all right! team avatar is back!" sokka cheered, pointing dramatically as he shouted out the groups elements, "air. water. earth. fire. dual bender. sword!"

"coulda just called me water number 2 or fire number 2," senna said to sokka who just shrugged, "dual bender is better," he smiled.

"fighting the firelord is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done together, but i wouldn't want it any other way," aang spoke as the group broke out into a hug, menus zuko.



katara looked over at him as he stood there awkwardly, "get over here zuko. being apart of the group means being part of group hugs."

zuko glanced at senna who held out her arms and was smiling. he sighed and joined in.

"team avatar for the win!"

they then were crushed by appa who also wanted to join in on the hug. they all laughed.

once they pulled away, the group separated. katara, sokka, suki and toph walked off leaving senna, aang and zuko alone.

"well then, aang, do you want to uh train?" zuko asked.

"i guess we don't have much of a choice," aang sighed.

"ok then. sanny, you should watch incase you haven't learned this yet. it could come in handy if you ever need to fight azula again."

senna nodded, "okay."

"aang, there's one technique you need to know before facing my father, and that's how to redirect lightening. senna, only use this if you have to, which im hoping is never. it's a very dangerous technique," zuko explained to the two.

"how does it work?" aang asked.

"if you let the energy in your own body flow, the lightening will follow it," zuko said, showing the two the path the lightening would take in his body with his fingers, "basically, you turn your opponents energy against them."

"that would've came in handy when i was being cornered by your psycho sister before she killed me!" senna raged, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.

he sent her a i'm sorry smile and she just sighed and smiled back.

"that's like waterbending," aang pointed out.

"exactly, my uncle invented this technique himself by studying waterbenders."

"so, have you ever redirected lightening before?"

"once, against my father."

senna raised an eyebrow at him. she had no idea he had ever done it, especially against his father, "what does it feel like?"

"exhilarating but terrifying. you feel so powerful holding that much energy in your body, but you know if you make the wrong move, it's over."

"well, not really over. i mean there's always katara and a little spirit water action, am i right?" aang said with a nervous laugh.

"im not sure.."

"wait, let me ask. hey katara!" he called out.

katara, who was doing something with her brother and toph, turned her head toward their direction, "yeah?"

"if anything happens, you can always heal me with that spirit water of yours, right?"

"actually, i used it all up after azula shot you.." she answered.


he then turned toward senna who was biting her finger nails, "what about you, sanny? got any spirit water to heal me if anything happens."

"actually no. i lost it all in ba sing se after the a....um accident," she said, sadly.


"you'll have to take the firelords life before he takes yours," zuko stated, "there's no other choice."

"yeah, i'll just do that."

senna could tell by the look in aangs eyes that he couldn't do it. he had no intention of doing that whatsoever.

but they need to change his mind. otherwise, the world will fall under the fire nations feet.

and they can't have that.

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