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— the boy in the iceberg: act two

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— the boy in the iceberg: act two.

the set was now showing another earth kingdom area. sennas actress, aangs actress, sokkas actor and kataras actress all walk out on stage.

"well, here we are in the earth kingdom!" kataras actress exclaimed.

"i'd better have a look around to see if i can find an earthbending teacher!"

"this is it, this must be where i come in!" toph said, sounding really excited.

aangs actress left the stage for like a minute before walking back out empty-handed, "i flew all over town, but i couldn't find a single earthbending master!"

"here it comes!"

"you can't find an earthbending master in the sky, you have to look underground!" a very very buff man said as he emerged from a hole in the floor.

"who are you?" fake aang asked.

"my names toph, because it sounds like tough, and that's just what i am!" he flexed his arm muscles after saying that.

"wait a minute," toph said, "i sound like a guy. a really buff guy."

"well toph, what you hear up there is the truth. it hurts, doesn't it?" katara spoke smugly to the earthbender.

"are you kidding me? i wouldn't have cast it any other way!" she laughed loudly, "at least it's not a flying bald lady!"

"so you're blind?" the fake avatar asked.

"i can see you doing that. i see everything that you see, except i don't 'see' like you do. i release a sonic wave from my mouth," tophs actor paused, taking in a deep breath and yelling aggressively at the gaang actors, "there, i got a pretty good look at you."

senna and toph laughed as the rest of the gaang stared at the scene, not finding it funny at all.

the next few events were interesting. first of all it showed when the group made it to ba sing se, senna and zukos date and then the dai li and long feng attack.

senna buried her face in zukos shirt as the scene played. she couldn't believe they would show this. especially that. it was traumatizing but of course the playwriters had to make it funny.

"it's over now," zuko whispered, as the girl lifted up her head. she smiled at zuko thanking him. he smiled back and held onto her hand tightly.

some more scenes passed. like jets death which hurt to watch, senna attacking the group, getting appa back and now it was the scene where zuko, azula, katara, senna and aang all fought.

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