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— alone again

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— alone again.

"zuko and i are going on a bros trip tomorrow," sokka said with a yawn as he laid down next to the white haired girl.

she raised an eyebrow, "a bros trip?"

sokka nodded. she eyed him weirdly but just shrugged it off. senna then blew out the candle, the room instantly turning dark.

she stared up at the ceiling while he snuggled closer to her. his arms wrapped around her half naked body.

she feels a sudden comfort at his touch. the same feeling she always got when he touched her. senna finally feel asleep to the sound of sokkas soft snores.


she woke up the next morning finding sokka not next to her. did he really leave already and not say goodbye?

senna stood up and grabbed a sweater, wrapping it around her since it was a little chilly. she made her way to appa, who was still here...

"i thought he'd take you..." she mumbled, giving him a piece of hay, "maybe he didn't leave yet."

so she sat down by the fountain and waited.

about an hour passed with no sign of sokka nor zuko.


senna decided to go wake up everyone else. maybe they'd know where they are. she walked over to aangs room and opened the door. she spotted him meditating.

"aang," senna whispered, not wanting to really bother him.

"senna?" he asked, turning his head and opening his eyes with a smile, "good morning! how are you?"

"im good, thanks," she said with a smile, "i wanted to let you know that sokka and zuko are gone."

"gone? what?" aang flew to his feet, "what do you mean gone?"

"i don't know where they went. i'll go wake up the others."

senna then went and woke up everyone else. they all met up in front of appa, confused on where the two boys went.

"where could they have gone?" katara asked.

"last night, sokka said they were going on a 'bros trip' like i know what that means.." she told them, using air quotations.

brought back, zuko Where stories live. Discover now