Surprise (ch 28)

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Izuku was discharge and he went to UA right away. It was little after lunch, so he decided to stay in the common room for now and later he will hide so he can surprise Katsuki. The hours roll and soon was time for 1-A to come back. Izuku go up the stairs and spy from there. Everyone walk in and some watch something on TV, others go to the kitchen, but no one try go to their room. Izuku saw Bakugou sitting in the middle of the sofa and next to him are Tsu and Kirishima in whose wap was sitting Kaminari.  Izuku slowly and unnoticed make his was to Katsuki. Unfortunately Tsu look back and saw him. Her eyes went wide and was about to say something but stop when Izuku put one finger on his lips, meaning to keep quiet. Her shocked face change to confused one. Izuku point at Bakugou and Tsu quickly understood what the greenette was trying to do. She nod and continue to act like she know nothing. Izuku made his way toward Katsuki and this time no one saw him.  All of a sudden Katsuki felt how someone wrapped their arms around his neck, hugging him from behind. He turn and was about to hit very hard whoever dare to to that, only to stop dead in his track. "Izuku!? What the fuck! Weren't you in coma?!" He ask confuse but kind of happy.

Izuku giggle and grin ."Surprise Kacchan" He continued to hug Bakugou.

" Holy shit! Your really here!" Katsuki get up from his spot and grab his lover hugging him tight. He stop hugging him and lift him spinning them. " I missed you do much" Katsuki say when he put the Omega on his feet again.

"I missed you too" Izuku close the distance between their faces and kiss Katsuki who respond immediately.

" Very sweet but we are still here" Denki say and row his eyes offended.

Izuku giggle and let go of Bakugou.
" I missed you too, Kami"

The other Omega try to stay mad but eventually give up and run to his bestfriend hugging him. " I would smack the shit out of you but you just got out of come and i won't risk to put you in another one" Denki pout. " you better not do that shiylt again"

" I won't, my mom and Lily already lecture me about it for near 2 hours. I don't think i will survive another one of these lectures. " Izuku whine alittle.

Kirishima laugh. " You kinda deserve it tho, bro. You scare me death and I'm impressed how Bakubro didn't go feral."

Izuku cross his hands. " Not my fault i didn't see her coming."

Bakugou growl. " Alright you shitty suicidal ass nerd, let's go i want alot of cuddles" He say and drag the greenette up to they're room.

" I'm not suicidal!" He shout while being drag.

" Say that to your bones, you little shit, you have luck i love you!" Katsuki shout back, that was the last thing the people in the common room hear before they disappeared up the stairs.

" Bakugou was kind of soft, don't ya think?" Tsu ask. " I mean, in he's own way he care for us" Everyone agree and continue doing their own things.

Katsuki close and lock his door after him and Izuku walk in his dorm. Bakugou drag Izuku to the bed and cuddle him from behind. " You sure you're okay?" He ask in low voice.

" Yep! I can even start training! Just alittle more time for my legs to start working as before!" Izuku say excited for his training.

" You mean you can do everything you did before?" Izuku nod. " I see, that's good then" Katsuki hug his lover tightly.

" Sorry for scaring you, the doctors tell me what happened, plus whatever you told them had happened too. You bandage me, right? They say you did really well and that it had slowed the blood lost because of the pressure." Izuku melt into the touch and start to purr. Katsuki's eyes widen and he look at the greenette in his arms. Omegas purrs are rare. And not many have hear one, even if they're mates. No matter how many times he will hear it he'll get surprised everytime, because they aren't even mates yet. 

Soon Izuku feel asleep in Bakugou's tight hug. Katsuki loon at the sleeping boy face and smile lovingly.
" I love you" He whisper and kiss the boy's cheek. " Please don't leave me" he whisper again and also fall asleep, next to his lover. After so long, it felt right and just perfect. Katsuki love it, he love every moment he was with the greenette. To be kiss him, to hug him, to be next and even only near him. He love that Omega and will love him forever and maybe one day, they will start family on their own. He just have to wait for  a little bit longer.

Words: 832

Btw I was only fucking with you. I never had the intention to kill Izuku.
I just thought it will be funny to mess with y'all.


Hope you had a good day or whatever is for you! Love you ♡

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