take care of each other(ch12)

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(Pov Kaminari)

Ugh, what happened? The last thing i remember was that i felt really hot and.... i think.... i went in heat.....wait....  THAT REALLY BAD!!! Where am i?! That's not my dorm! Whose room is this?! Did i slept with someone?! Fuck i have school, i'm soooo dead! What time is it?! AHHHHHHHHHH! It's near lunch time!!!


I remember something.....

There was three Alphas........

Don't  tell me i did what i think i did.......


Did i nest?......


I hear the door open and I immediately hide under the cover. Shit who's that? 

" Denki? You awake?" Ask a gentle voice. How does he know my name? And why does this voice sound so familiar? 

I hear him getting closer and I start trembling. Shit, stop trembling, Denki! Pull yourself together! I heard him sigh.

" You sure are still disoriented, huh? Also you know i can see you trembling there, right?" I didn't say anything thing.  " Just get out here and eat lunch. I can't skip it, your still too weak for that."  Do i get out? I mean it's been days if my heat is over.

I peek out of the cover and to see Midoriya setting on his chair eating lunch. " What , Midoriya?!" I shout.

" Hm, did you realize it's me now?" He ask as he look back at me.

I blush from embarrassment. He knows I'm an omega, shit. " I- Please don't tel anyone I'm an omega." I look down. He chuckled. Uhhh, now he's laughing at me. I want to cry.

My eyes start to water. No, don't cry, damn it. Don't cry!

I guess he noticed me because he spoke softly. " Why would i tell anyone" he smile as i look beck at him. " Plus I'm omega myself" he say calmly.

What? Midoriya is an omega? But his quirk is so strong. It's true he doesn't look like an alpha..... but omega? I can't believe it, is he filling me right now?

" I'm didn't lie if that's what you're wondering so much about. I am omega." He says as he continues to eat. " Now eat. Tomorrow is Saturday so there's no school. Mr Aizawa know about your heat, you were excused of school. Also he wants to talk with us. Later." He inform me.

I really did get lucky this time, huh? I should be glad nothing really happened. I sigh, well atlest i got new omega friend, Yay!

We were standing infront of Aizawa's classroom knowing that he's inside. God I'm so nervous. Midoriya know on the door and from inside we hear faint 'come in' so we opened the door and get inside. 

" Mr Aizawa, you wanted to talk to us once everything's done with, remember."

He sigh." Of course i remember problem child."

" So what do you want to talk about?" Izuku ask.

" Just listen and don't interrupt until I'm over, got it?" He ask and we both nod heads in unison." Good. So at first i was against the idea, because it gets in the students personal live, but seeing from the cameras that Denki was nearly
*cough* rape * cough* I rethought it and decided that this will be for the best.  Can't believe All might was right." He whipper the last part." Anyway, what i decided is that all omega students should know about each other, even if there possibilitie that the traitor might be an omega too. Sol you both know about each other, but there's another omega in Class 1-A. " he pause and look at the door. " Mina you can come in!" He said and my pink skinned friend walked in. Wtf?!?!?!? Mina?!?!
I could never guess.

I look over at Izuku. He seems as surprised as I am. Guess he didn't knew either. My eyes traveled back to lightly embarrassed Mina.

" Ashido, take a seat please." He point at the seat on Midoriya's other side. She quietly went there and just sit. " As i was saying, you three, are omega's. All of you know how dangerous that can be. So what i want from you is taking care of each other, atlest until you all find mates. I just want to know that you'll be safe. " he sigh and look down.
" I might not say it often ( or at all)" he whispered." But i care for you kids and i don't want to see you hurt. So, will you take care of each other?" He ask as he look up again.

" I mean, they are mi friends, so, yeah, of course." Agree cheerfully Mina

" Midoriya already taked care of me once, so why not? Might as well return the favor" I smile at them.

" In this case, I would love to Aizawa-Sensei." He say

Aizawa smiled at us." I'm more than happy to hear that." He say " Now get going already, you're giving me headaches!" He shoved us out if the room. We all giggle at him behavior.  Yep, our sensei is back back to normal.

As we start walking back to the dorms Midoriya ask. " Soooo, what are we gonna do now?" He ask

" Oh, Oh, i have an idea!" Mina say, raising her hand in the air and jumping a little

" What is it?" I ask curious.

" Let's have an omega sleepover!" She suggest

" We have school tomorrow Mina" Midoriya remind her.

"Tch, then ledo it on Friday!" Didn't give up my pink haired friend.

" Eh? Sure i guess? What do you think Denki."

" I'm cool with it"

" Perfect" Mina say

" By the way, i don't know if you remember Denki but you agreed to meet my mom" he chuckl, wait, i did?!?!

" Did i?!!?" I ask shocked.

" Yep! When you were in heat." He say happily." She'll be so happy to meet you, you Mina as well."

" I'm cool meeting her" say Mina" She saunds kind from what i have heard from you."

" She really is, you don't have to worry."

I really hope she's kind!

" S-sure, i guess." I agree lightly nervous. " when are we gonna meet her?"

" Hmm." Izuku started to think. " We will have sleepovers on Friday, we can go after or do it there?" He suggest.

" Will your mom be cool with us having a sleepover in your apartment?" Midoriya live in apartment? 

" Yep, she'll be fine. I just have to tell her before hand about it. I'm gonna call her later. " he explain. Just right on time.We were at the front door. We open it and every one of us go our separate ways. Mina go to Uraraka and Izuku to Bakugou.  I wasn't sure where to go so i just went to Kirishima.

Words: 1111

Bruh, what a luck, don't ya think😂

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and had a good day, night or whatever!♡

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