Depends (ch7)

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I'm a little nervous. I have never been on my own, plus I'm Omega. I'm freaking out right now! I'M THE ONLY OMEGA IN MY CLASS!!!! Or Atlest the only one i know is omega among us. Bu5 that doesn't help the case.

Your probably wondering 'what happened?' Well let me tell you.

We. Have. Dorms! Why aren't i happy? Cuz that's the most dangerous thing for one omega. In dorms, full of Alphas..... there are some betas too, but not the point. 

We have dorms because a LOV  member tried to broke in the school. It was Himiko Toga, good thing they caught her... well kind off. They didn't really caught her, because she get away, but atlest now we know she haven't transformed to one of the students. Which is relieve.

But because of the danger student to be attacked they made dorms. And now we have to stay there.

Me and my mom are wait for mr. Aizawa ro come at our home and talk with my mom about it. I guess there's no other way expect telling him I'm omega. 

We hear a knock on the door and open it. Mr Aizawa walk in, bow  and say "Hello, ms Midoriya, i hope you have a time. We have to talk about something important, about Izuku." He finished.

" Oh, but of course! Come in! Come in! Don't just stay here. I will make some tea and we can talk about it." She say as she move to the side letting him in.

Mr Aizawa walk in and I told him to sit on one of the chairs, which he did. My mom come with three cups of tea. She set the on the table and sit next to me oposite of him.

" So, what did you wanted to talk about"  she ask smiling at him.

He cleared his throat and start." There was villain attempting to break in the school. And they almost managed. So for the safety of our students we made dorms where everyone will be staying. That way we won't risk some on them being attacked out of the school. We just need a parental agreement"

My mom look down at the table a little sad. " Mr Aizawa.... i hope you know that my son safety is in first place." He nod. " Glad to know you understand. And, because of that safety, i can't let him stay at these dorms, how you called them."

To say he was shocked won't be enough to describe h the look on his face. "ma'am did you hear correctly what i told you?" He ask to make sure.

" Yes i did, i don't think it's good decision to let him go."

" May i ask why?" Aizawa continued to try and make her change her decision.

" Look, mr Aizawa. I know if you look from your perspective, that's the best decision, but if you look from my you will know this can be more dangerous than him not coming in the dorms." My mom sigh. " Mr Aizawa, my son might be written as beta in your files, but he's omega. To let him stay in dorm, full of Alphas, saunds more dangerous to me than the light change of him getting attacked from villain. Don't you think so?"

Aizawa's eyes widen from shock, i look down as he look at me. " I see. I will talk with Nezu and try to prevent for him saund and pheromones proofed  room. If i managed to do that, will you be willing to let him come with us?"

My mom sigh again. " I guess if you're able to do it" she look at me " then i don't have anything against it. It all depends of that. "

" Thank you" was all mr Aizawa say as he get up and went to the door. " If you excuse me, i have more parents to talk with. I hope you have a micr day. " he close the door leaving only me and my mom in our apartment.

" Mom, if they do that, will you really let me go there." I ask with hope.

She sigh." Izuku, i know how dangerous thes can be, but i also know that you're a kid and you need to have fun too. I can't stop you from doing that, especially if i know you have a safe place to be in." She smiled and hug me tightly " ahhh, I'm gonna miss you so much, mu baby. Promise me that you will stay as safe as possible and call me atlest twice a week, yeah?"

I giggle " I promise you mom. And I'm gonna miss you too. Let's spend the next four free days of school together. Because i won't be able to hang out with you as much as before now."

She giggles " Don't be silly. I'm already old you can go and spend these days with your friends. You don't have to be stuck with  me."

" Nope! I wanna spend them with you. Plus you're not old, you're really good looking mom."

She smile even more. " What did i do to deserve you, mu little sunshine."

I hug her tight too and whisper. " You were the best mother.  And i love you very much."

" I love you too" she whispered back.

I'm terrified of going to the dorms, but also excited. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.

Words: 888

Wow, my  motivation always come when it's 1:30 AM. I should sleep but noOOooOoOOOo. I'm here writing.

Welp, i will use that motivation because you never know when I'n gonna get bored again. And I really don't want to delete another book.  So imma try my best to finish this one. Even if it doesn't get many readers. I'm gonna do that for myself.

Enough talking, I hope you enjoyed. It's not the best but it's good enough i guess. 

See ya next time!!!!

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