permission(ch 22)

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!! Little smut at the end, not much !!

Also that's the first and last time I'm putting a warning for this in my books

I just think they ruin the smut, you know.🙂

In the morning both of us were wakened up by my alarm clock, meaning it's time to get ready for school. Kaccan growl and slammed the clock turning it off and nearly breaking it. " Kacchan!" I shout at him

" What?" He mumble

" Don't ' what' me! You nearly break my alarm clock!" I told him still shouting a little.

" Jeez, so noisy, sorry i guess" He say half asleep to which a only frown and get out of the bed. " Nooooo, come back, let's cuddle little more." He whine.

" No" i coldly tell him and go to the bathroom to get dressed and all, you know normal morning routine. After 2 minutes i hear the front door open meaning that Kacchan leaves the room. When i finished in the bathroom i fix my bed i checked my backpack if i have everything. Nothing missing! Just as i finishe the door open again and Kacchan walk in.

" You ready nerd?" He ask, i nod and follow him out of my room in the hallway. We both walk in the elevator and when the doors closed i ask.

" Um, when are we gonna show the principal?" I was little sad but there's nothing you can do about it.

He sigh. " How about after school, or in the lunch break? Cuz now we are almost late for class, still have enough time to get there tho." He told me and i agreed.

At lunch break i asked Kacchan the same question as before. " You really eager to do so, huh?" He ask smirking.

" No you big idiot! I just want to get this over with. " I say calmly the last part.

He pat my head and say " Okay, let's go now, hm?" I nod and we walk toward the principle office. "Never thought i will come here without being suspended" i chuckle and i hit his arm.

" Not something to proud of!" I say and he chuckle again.

" Sorry. Wanted to raise the mood up" he say and i sigh.

" Let's just get done with this already" I say and knock on the door which i open after hearing 'come in' from the other side. We walk inside and Nezu gestured us to sit on the chairs infront of his desk.

" To what do i own the pleasure of seeing you both here?" He ask " You're not suspended, right?" He ask unsure after looking at Kacchan who only sulk in his place. I tried my best bot to laugh.

" No, actually, we..... found the traitor" the principal eyes widen but his face went back to normal in a second.

" I see, do you have any evidence? Because only your words won't be enough." He told us calmly.

To which Kacchan scoff. " Is a video of the traitor and member of LOV talking and exchanging money for information enough."

The principal 'hm' and say " That's more than enough, if we can hear what they are talking about in the video it will be even better."

" Then just watch it yourself" Kacchan give him his phone. " Just take it, i will come back for it after school. I'm trusting you won't get in my private shit" after say that he just glare at the principal who chuckle.

" Of course i won't. It's against the rules" he explain. " Very well then, you can leave. You're lunch is almost over, but because you get from your time to eat just to show me, i will let you off today. You may go back to the dorms or whatever you like" he smile.

" Whatever" Kacchan say, get up and walk toward the door. I follow right behind him. When we left we walk back to the dorms. Kacchan start dragging me to his room and when we walk in he close and lock the door. "Now, let's have some fun, shall we?" he say and pin me to the wall kissing my neck and V-line leaving hickeys.

" Not on a visible spots Kacchan" i told him trying my hardest not to moan.

" I know" he mumbled and continue doing his work. I couldn't hold back anymore and soft moans escape my mouth.

" N-ngh, K-kacchan, I want k-kiss" i say, he stop abusing my neck and look me in the eyes. My face was as red as tomato if not even more. He peck my lips at first but went again and this time we continue kissing for longer. He pick me up, i wrap my legs around him and he walk us both to the bed. He threw me softly on it and we continue kissing for a good among of time, after he went back to my neck and V-line "K-kacchan" i mumbled and he 'hm' showing he's listening " I- I want you to help me in my n-next heat, i give you full permission. Ungh " I say with a low voice and quiet moan in the end . He stop everything he was doing and look at me shocked.

" Izuku, are sure" He ask still in disbelief. I chuckle.

" Yeah, i mean only if you want to" He didn't respond instead he hud me tight and i hug back. " Does that mean you will?" I ask.

He peck my lips and say. " Of course i will help!" I thank him but he insiste that he should be the one thanking me. After that we make our little more and went to sleep cuddling. Noon nap! I might ask Kacchan to sleepover at my place, or i in his. I really want to cuddle with him tonight too....

Words: 971


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