We have a deal (ch 15)

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(Pov: Izuku)

I'm not sure for what mom and Denki were talking about, but after they let us in the room, he looked better than minutes ago.  He also stayed for the whole weekend, I ask Mina to stay too, but she say she had plans with her family. It's finally Monday and we are officially back at the dorms. Everything was normal until lunch, when Mina decided to kind of blackmail me.

"Come on~ it'll be fun, plus I'm sue you're gonna look good in it."

" No way! You can't make me wear skirt!" I told her.

" Please~" She make puppy eyes at me. "Please Izuku" she beg

" I told you already, no" i told her and continue eating my noodles.

" Hmph, the i will tell everyone who's your little crush." She smirk devilishly at me. I knew i was gonna regret this! But the consequences wasn't bette tho...


We were playing truth ot dare,  at the sleepover,in my room.

"Izuku, your turn. Truth ot dare?" Mina ask me.

" Um, truth?" I say unsure.

" Good, Who's your crush?" She smirk.

" I- can i change it?" I ask her.

" Sure, go and take three shots of your mother's alcohol." She smirk even more.

" I-... you planned this, didn't you?" I ask he giving up.

" Absolutely, now choose" she smile and Denki just laugh at my pain.

" Denki don't laugh!" I yell at him.

" Sorry bro, but she got you here" he say still giggling lightly.

" Ugh, you're the worst!" I told them.

" Good to know my friend, now what do you choose?" Mina ask again.

I blushed madly and whispered " i choose the truth..."

" Cool, then answer the question" She say not giving up.

" I-it's..... " i pause and look down" it's Kacchan..." i confess and she look at me in shock.

Denki was drinking water at the same time and he spit it out. "Bakugou?! Your kidding me,  right!?" I didn't say anything." Your not kidding me! Oh my god, seriously, Bakugou?! Of everyone?!" He stop and think for a second, after continue but more calmly "Actually, i can see why"

" What do you mean you 'can see why'? Mina shout.

" Let's face it Mina. He's hot af even i agree with that, plus he's an Alpha. If it wasn't for his temper then I can assume you he could pull almost every omega and even beta. And you can't disagree" He defend himself.

Mina think for a second and nod " Yeah you're right."

" Um, guys, we are talking about my crush if you forgot" i say.

" Oh, yeah, that's right. So you were saying?" She smirk at me again.

~~~End of Flashback~~~

Yep, i knew she was gonna use it against me from the start to be honest.
" Fine! Whatever, i will wear it, but only in the dorms!"

" We have a deal!" She say happily as she continues to eat her lunch and Denki just giggled in a background all that time. Just you wait Denki, I only have to find out whose your crush.

Words: 510

I have nothing to say. 😃💅

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