will you wake up? (ch 27)

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After two days the school was rebuild. It wasn't  big deal after they built the dorms for under  a week. Everyone go back to school as normal. Expect 1-A first one of their friends was the UA traitor and the other one was in come. Both of which were the sunshines of the class. Now the room felt cold and so depressing. The air was heavy and almost as if they couldn't breathe. Everyone could tell the difference in the class. In wasn't physical, so it wasn't visible. No, it was worse, it was mental, they're actions have change, they're attitude. Even Bakugou who most of the time was like  a tik taking bomb was silent and looking down at his desk. There was no way Aizawa could not notice these changes, however there wasn't anything he could do. 
The days go by, the class was still feeling down and Izuku was remaining in coma. It was almost a  week. The class visited all the time and honestly, Inko was more than happy that Izuku finally have so much and so good friends. They all introduced themselves the first day they were allowed to visit. And almost bump into Inko and falling over her. They laugh it out tho and now are in very good tempers with Izuku's mother. For them they both are much alike so in one side that make them feel alittle better.  The class was just left, leaving Bakugou and Inko, alone in the room with Izuku. " When do you think he will wake up?" Katsuki ask still looking at his lover.

" It's been a week. They say it shouldn't be long, right? I guess he should wake up soon." The green haired woman smile  sad and pat the blond head. "Don't get too worked up. They say he's doing fine and I believe them. Go home and get some sleep, kay?"

Katsuki chuckle. " You mean in the dorms?"

Inko stop and think for a second. " Oh right, the dorms. I meant,  you to go there" she smile awkward.

" Okay, if you say." Katsuki walk to the woman and hug her. She hug back.
"I will get going then, stay safe auntie" he say and walk to the door.

" You too, Katsuki" Inko wave him goodbye and sit on the chair Katsuki was sitting before. She look down at her only son and smile. " You get yourself a really good Alpha, huh. I'm happy for you, but only if you could hear me" She stared to tear up. " Hey, Izuku, the doctors say you shouldn't be in come for too long, but it's been a week already. How long are you gonna stay like that? I really miss you and so do Katsuki. Even your classmates come here nonstop, now it's one of the rarest times when i can be alone with you. It pains me to see you like that. Will you even wake up? " That night Inko cried, something she haven't done in a long time.  The night end as fast as it come. It was morning and Inko just walked in the room. She closed the door and look at her son's hospital bed. Her eyes widen. " I-izuku" she mumble and grab on the wall for support dropping her bag on the floor near the door.

" Hey mom" He smile as he look at her.

" On god. Izuku" She start to cry and run to him. She hug him still careful not to hurt him. " My little boy, i missed you so much. I was so worried. How are you feeling sweetheart?" She cup his face when she ask.

Izuku giggle at his mother behavior.
" Never been better, sorry for sharing you"

" I'm not the one you should be saying that" She told him.

" What do you mean" Izuku tilt his head

" Katsuki and your homeroom teacher bring you here. If what i hear is right, most of the time Katsuki was the one that take care of you and didn't let you die. So you should say thank you to him" Inko explain him and  cross her arms. " Don't scare me or the others like that again."

Izuku scratch the back of his neck.
"I get it, mom. Anyway how long was i out?"

" Around a week" Izuku's eyes widen in surprise. Then look down in shame.

" Sorry fot worrying all of you" Inko sigh and hug her son again.

" Don't be my little angel, if anything we are happy to have you back. Katsuki will practically come here running if i tell him you're awake." Both the mother and son laugh at the imagination of the  blond running there and kicking down the door.

" Yeah, let's keep it a secret for now. I want to surprise him. Maybe i can go to the dorms" Izuku put a finger on his chin thinking. " Wait will i be able to leave today?" He turn to his mother.

She nod. " If everything is fine after they check you up. And speaking of it, i think it's time to call over some doctor."   Izuku nod and continue to makes his plans. Inko walk out of the room and later come back with the same doctor that told Aizawa and Bakugou his condition and his friend doctor Lily.  The male check everything and leave the three in the room.

" You're so careless." Lily told him. " Do you know how worried i was we might not save you in time." Izuku smile awkward at the young woman that had made her mission to make sure he would never ever again put his guard down in a fight, even as an accident. She lecture him for about 30 minutes about everything that could have gone wrong. In the end she cross her arms and look at him even more serious than before. " Anyway, i saw your Alpha, it's the blond explosive one, right?" Izuku nod unsure if that was a good sign or bad. " I know what he did when you were stap. If I'm honest if it wasn't his fast thinking and good bandage skills, you would be as good as dead at the moment." She pinch the bridge of her nose and shake her head. " Nevermind that, I'm glad you're okay now." She went to him and hug him. " If I'm right you will be discharge in a hour or so. You will have time to surprise your boyfriend. " Izuku was about to speak, but shw didn't gave him the chance. "Don't ask how i know. I always know what your little brain is thinking." Izuku giggle hugging back and she sigh again.

Words: 1110

I'm at my best these days, Don't ya think?

Almost every chapter have the count of 1000 words per.

I should trow a party 🥳

Anyway, hope you enjoy
and love you all♡

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