Chapter 2:

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Chapter Two

“Get your ass out of here.” I say as I shot him a death glare.

“I’m afraid I can’t, dear Claire.” He said.

“Why not, jerk?” I ask him.

“Well, in case you want me to sleep with your mom, it’s fine with me. You and I both know that this house doesn’t have a spare room.” He explained. Holy mother of shits, Adrian is so gross! How can he say that kind of thing?

“Here’s a friendly reminder for you, douche, that my mom is your aunt.”  I say, raising my closed fist in the air like I’m going to punch him in the face.

He raised his two hands as a gesture of defeat. “Wild cat, relax. I’m just kidding. Little Adrian is not yet prepared for your enormous punch in the ass.” He joked.

“Who said I’m going to punch you in the ass?”

“Me.” He said simply. I mentally rolled my eyes. He really did changed. But he’s still the douche I’ve known for many years. Sometimes I wonder what will happen if he did not grow up? Would he still be the same Adrian, who always keeps me comfortable and safe? I just missed the old times, when I can hug or kiss him anytime. No people judging, no people talking behind our backs.

I shrugged and closed the door shut using my left foot. I walked blindly inside my room and when I can finally feel the soft fabric of duvet, I climbed on my bed.

“Just shut your mouth. Move aside, dimplepid.” He kept his mouth shut and I felt him move to the other side of my bed. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to sleep well tonight because we look like a freaking ham in a can. Here’s a friendly reminder: my bed is for a single person only.

“Dimplepid?” he asked after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. I nodded absurdly at him, and mentally slapped myself eventually, realizing he can’t see me with this invading darkness inside my room.

“Yeah, you’re a dimple stupid.” I explained to him. I heard him chuckle in a very low manner, but loud enough for me to hear it. I unconsciously smiled. I finally hear him laugh a real one, after years.

My mind was almost blacked out when I heard a sigh, and a person murmuring “Goodnight, Claire.”

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

I sat up to my bed, with an empty soul body. The blaring sound of the alarm clock left a twanging effect on my ear. The last time I checked, I did not set this freaking alarm clock on. Who the hell will pull a fucking prank out of me?

I look to my right, and saw the least person I want to see today. There he is, crossing his arms. His back was resting on the door, a naughty grin plastered in his face.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. Get your pretty ass out of the bed, breakfast time.” Adrian said.

“And what if I don’t want to?” I challenged.

“Try me.” He grinned. I quickly jumped out of my bed, afraid that he’s going to do something I wouldn’t approve of. I walked towards him to open the door, but he held the knob with his right hand and opened the door just before I could touch it.

I walk past through him, and went down to the kitchen. I went into the sink to wash my face, and rinse my mouth with liquid. I sat on the dining table, brushing the long strands of my hair when mom came in.

“Morning, Claire.” Mom greeted.

“Yeah, morning to you too,” I say to her, when something popped in my mind. “Wait, what the heck is Adrian doing here?” I asked.

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