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Beginnings Of The End
TW: abuse, pet names, violence

"You got it."

Those words were the first sign of a change of life for her. Alice felt tears prick her eyes as Foggy smiled, the two standing outside the office named Nelson and Murdock. A place that was old yet also homey. Her hands were trembling she was so excited she thought she'd faint from the news.

She's been struggling with money for years, her parents were not the best to her, and were disgusting actually towards her. They didn't have money to start with so she's been getting small jobs her whole life to just live it. This job may not give her much but its something, and besides, her boyfriend helps her sometimes too. She should be much better off now.

"We will pay you when we can, Ali. I know how much you need so I'll get more for you. Try and convince big boy in there." He jokingly points to the office, mentioning his conventually attractive co-worker that she's only seen twice in her life. First time at a bar she was at drinking with Foggy that he stopped by to say a sorry to him after they had fought earlier. The second time only 20 minutes ago. He took her breath away, but hell, she couldn't say that. She couldn't accept that he was so much handsomer and kinder than her toxic abusive boyfriend Harry. But, hell, ignore the feelings right?

"You can start tomorrow, just show up and we will get you sorted." He pats her shoulder, "I hope we can help your situation, Ali."

"What situation?—" she chuckled, tilting her head as she lied.
"Don't act fricken stupid, babe. I know about Harry. And that your apartment is a shit hole." Foggy whispers harshly, tired of her lying she's done her whole life to him. "When you get enough money, kick him out, you can live without him."

"Live?— he pays the rent, and it's too much for me. You know that, even if I had enough money it would only be good for three months, maybe five. Thanks for the input but I'm tired of hearing it, sorry bub." She says the last part jokingly, she honestly needed the awakening sometimes. But a lot of the time she really didn't need it.
"I know he—"
"I said enough." She snapped, gently pushing him out of the way of the door as she walked through.

Matt's nose, his skin, his throat, he felt her presence enter the room and it practically sent him into a panic. He wasn't expecting her to storm in, or maybe walk in with slight lingering irritation. But her scent, natural and artificial was throat tightening to him. He wanted to feel her face, run his thumb over her nose to feel it's curve, over her eyes to feel her lashes. Since he met her at that bar a few years back, he has always thought of her. She seemed like a mystery, and a gift.

"Thank you, Mr. Murdock for this opportunity." She smirked, her hands nervously fumbling at the hem of her older button up white shirt. He could hear her fingers tighten and pull at the loose thread at the edge. He smirked up at her from his desk. Hearing every word Foggy said, he didn't want to bring up that sore topic she didn't enjoy. So he decides to say the next best thing. "My pleasure." He drops his voice slightly, turning his head upward as he stood. Grabbing his cane. "Why did you—"

"Hire you?" He finished his sentence.
"Yes, I—"
"My apologies, Miss Jacobs. Mind if you come back here tonight so we can talk about that? I have something to attend too." He didn't. He lied. He just needed to think of the true reason on why he decided to hire her, and yes, it was mostly because of her living situation that Foggy warned him about. Like how she lives in a small apartment with expensive rent, how she has no money for food, and that her boyfriend is a complete asswipe. "... Uh, yes. I'll be here at 7. Then. Thank you so much again." She smiled, opening the door for him as Foggy waited outside. Matt paused, turning to her at the door way. "Your welcome." He nodded, his smirk still lingered as she closed the door behind the three of them. Walking behind them down the stairs, ultimately dreading going home.

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