Chapter 12 truth be told

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five used his spatial jump to teleport to Valentinas house, but at a certain distance. But what to five was, he is hoping that he could make it on time. To save her again.

' please be careful Valentina. Please...'

Soon, they all reappeared landing into a house neighborhood, five looked around seeing he was not in the household. Panic started to rise so he ignore his brothers who are arguing with each other, started to run towards her place.

" Five! " Luther and Diego yelled in unison.

" she's this way! Let's go! " five yelled as he's running fast to eights place as much as he could. Hoping it's not to late, and if he is worried if Nick tries to do anything to her, five is going to end him.

As he's running both of his brothers running to him trying to catch up to five.

' please! Please let her be okay!....'

Eights place

Valentina eyes widen even more just by hearing what Nick said to her. How did he knows that she's older, and stuck in her teenage body. Then she thought about five what he said to her before she went inside her place few hours ago.

She stand up trying to keep her balance while holding onto the table stand. Shocked that five was right all along.

' five...' She thought to herself as of now her gut is telling to run but she couldn't, not until she get her answers from him. Then she'll go look for five. Valentina open her mouth slightly, " what are you... "

Nick got up took a step to her, but she immediately step back away from him. He could tell it hurt him but he knows it needs to get out especially if he wants to make the deal with the handler. But Valentina was shocked but needs to know was all he said to her was a lie.

" I'm Nick. Nick foster, I'm a..." He paused taking it in. " I'm a man, who is a member of the commission. The same age as you, and know that you are stuck in your teenage body. "

" so... Was all those things you say to me was a lie? Where you were from? To what were you were working?" Valentina question him.

" yes. No. And yes. " Nick confessed.

" oh my god. I'm such a idiot. " Valentina said in surprise. Nick on the other hand was about to touch her hand but she immediately took it away. " no! Don't touch me, nick, what do you want from me? Who are you, who is Nick foster?"

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