Chapter 2 took a turn

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The commission
The handler is back from recovery after three months of surviving a bullet to her head where Hazel shot her. Everyone thought she was dead but turns out....guess not. She make her way to the building where she works as walking up like everything is normal people glanced at her seeing she's back, or shocked that she's still alive.

When she went in she notice her assistant was not there to get her coat, so she decided it was nothing because she didn't heard the news, went up to her office ur notice her desk was gone or so she thought.

She turned the other way saw a familiar face. In shocked and surprised to see. " AJ!"

The man in a uniform with a fish tank head turned his body around to face her, started to speak.

" welcome back. And let me say, your recovery has been an inspiration to us all. "

" well...." The handler chuckles at his comments about her. She walked towards the desk. " ... If it wasn't for this metal plate in my head from the Shanghai job, I don't think I'd be here. "

She laughs as she put her things on the near by chair. AJ grabbed a cigarette on his desk till the handler was about to grab one but notice the tension of him, when he closed it.

" I was about to say. I didn't expect to see you until the board..." She looked at his action when he closed the cigarette case. " ... Meeting. "

She stare but shrugged it off. Decided to take a seat. " what's going on?"

" um, during your rehabilitation, certain management changes were made, unavoidable departmental reorganizations. I'm sorry to say--"

" you're not firing me. " she answered him, soon she heard the news.

" of course not. "

She let out a relief, " oh, thank god. "

" we would never dream of it. However..." He paused his sentence, taking a smoke. " .... You will be demoted. "

The handler was shocked, that she was not only moved by a boss position but to down lvl of the commission.

" what?"

" due to your long- standing commitment of the commission, we'll keep your benefits package and parking... " he pulled out the items for her. As he continues to explained to her. " uh... In lot c. "

" lot c?"

" look, if I'm completely honest, you've always had a problem with authority. " he told her.

She stands up starting to feel upset. " this is about my last file, isn't it.? Hazel and cha cha screwed the pooch on that one, not me, and don't get me started on number five, the depth of whose betrayal served as powerful motivation in waking me from my coma, and all the way  through my long, tedious, painful recovery back to this office. "

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