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A/N: Here's a lil bit of preview that will or may be in the chapters! 😊

" long time no see, stranger~"


" where the hell were you when I needed you!"


" I need to find her, she's not only important to me. She's important to everyone, including this family."


" Five, let's start over. We can make a fresh start. We can finally be ourselves."


" she's important and special to me. You know that better than anyone."


" I'm here to give you an offer that you can't refuse."


" we need to save the world again. Are you in?"


" we are not only best friends and family, but we will always be connected."


" do you two want to be more than just siblings?"


" if I use to much power at the same time... I will die."


" there's always hope. "


" I can take care of you than him. I am better than him more than you ever known!"


" traitor!!"


" Valentina, do you want to... " paused, for a moment. Feeling shyly while trying to get out the words. " go to another lvl?"


" we will always be connected."

A/N: and the disclaimers is the same as the last book. If u are wondering about any changes, it's in the last book.

And if u get confused on any of the chapters I suggested read the first book so u can fill in on what's coming.
Next chapter:
Prologue: A new fresh start

Always connected // Five Hargreeves (2)Where stories live. Discover now