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"A'ight boss, shipment is ready," a southern accent voiced from under a dimly lit street. The man slaps the crate on the back of a steak bed truck several times and takes a step back onto the curb. He watches as the truck leaves with a few hundred pounds of cargo loaded into the back.

"Good job Johnny," someone says beside him, "we need more people like you, willing to do their job, and make great money, only to transport some goods, ain't that easy?" the large man says, taking a puff of his cigar.

The small man nods eagerly, "Yes, sir, I'm all in," he says, crossing his arms, "mind if I ask what's in there crates anyways?" He asks, slightly curious about their contents. He's been working this well-paying job for a few weeks now and hasn't got a clue about what he's even transporting. It doesn't bother him too much because that five hundred dollars a day has been treating him well.

It's only been to retrieve the crates and bring them to a new location for pickup from various bodies; each time, they seem to be somebody new. The opportunity to ask has yet to come up because all the delivery drivers rush off before he can get enough words in.

Today is different, though; one of the big bosses has come around to make sure things are going smoothly. He doesn't know his name, but he radiates wealth and power with his luxurious car, a swarm of guards, and attitude. He's been treating Johnny with respect, something he's not used to being a country boy in the city.

"Oh Johnny..." the man trails off, putting his hand in his pocket as he stares into the surrounding buildings, "we were doing so well, not knowing about each other and all," he continues.

Johnny raises an eyebrow, confused as to what he's going on. From what he said a few moments ago, it did seem like he was doing a good job, but he thought to himself that maybe he originally misheard him. "Sir-" he's cut off by his own volition when he suddenly feels something cold pressed against the nape of his neck. His eyes go wide, feeling the end of a hollow cylinder.

"I do apologize, but you did bring this upon yourself for getting too curious," the man turns towards him and reaches out his hand with the cigar, placing it on the tip of Johnny's nose, "any last words?" He asks as Johnny screams in pain and fear from the burning sensation on his nose.

"I-" he's cut off once again with a gunshot to his head. The man steps back as the lifeless body falls limp onto the rugged concrete.

The man nods, "Good job, find someone to replace this..." he looks over at the body bleeding at his feet, "piece of trash on the street."

The shooter nods, turning around to follow his orders with no questions asked.

The man turns away from the body, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he walks to his car. Quickly dialing in a number, he opens the doors and hops in, preparing to leave.

"Ah, Victor, how may I help you?" A deep voice says from the other side of the line.

He leans over his steering wheel, letting out a brief sigh, "Had to kill one of the transporters. He was getting a little curious," he says, "though he lasted longer than a lot of others we have had."

The man chuckles, "Of course, it was bound to happen. Us wolves are curious, no?"

"Yes, boss," Victor says, rolling his eyes. People like Johnny viewed him as a big boss, but he's barely in the rankings. There are so many levels to this that even his boss barely understands it.

"Good, now go find a new guy, and if you need help, go get some of the product for yourself, 'kay?" The guy says, almost as if you could tell he was smirking through his voice.

Victor nods, taking in a deep breath, "Will do, boss," he responds, glancing over at his passenger compartment storage.

"Good Victor, goodbye now," he says, hanging up the phone. Victor holds his phone in his hand for a few moments, staring into the blank screen.

Will it help him? He ponders, thinking of all the people he has seen buying the drugs. They're successful and active; their lives seem so... lively.

Reaching over his center console, Victor pulls at the little tab, and the passenger compartment opens up, revealing a small amount of the drug he uses to showcase to potential clients. He picks up the small baggie and returns to his seat, setting it on the steering wheel.

"It's not like regular druggie takes this shit," he talks to himself, running some of his fingers through his hair. Losing all of his workers and finding new ones constantly is a tedious task and takes up most of his job. He's okay with disposing of them because this is what he grew up with, but it feels so meaningless.

He has a large amount of money, enough to satisfy him, but after work, there's nothing to go back to besides his condominium. No family, no pets, just himself. Of course, sometimes there are ladies, but they don't even bother staying till the sunrise.

Maybe this can help him boost his energy so he can do more with little. If others can do it, why can't he? He smirks, picking the bag back up and opening it carefully.

The powder puffs out a little, Victor taking a sniff with his eyes closed. "Huh, it smells sweet," he says, licking his pinky and dipping it in the bag. This should be good for now, he tells himself as he takes out his finger, now covered in a grey powdery substance, and takes a lick at it.

Victor's eyes widen, and a rush of electricity runs through his nerves. Suddenly, all the tiredness he was feeling was now a thing of the past, and he felt better than ever.



Now smiling, Victor tosses what remains of the drug in his center console compartment and slaps the steering wheel. "Let's do this!" He shouts, ready to continue his job with no more worries.

"Has Victor been taken care of?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, he was pretty useful while he lasted."

"If so, why did you request him to be terminated?"

"The side effects of the new drug take effect faster than our previous edition; we can't let the police connect the dots just yet."

Author's Note: Welcome to 'Drugged'; I hope you enjoy your stay <3

Also, I'm officially part of the Wattpad Creator's Program (Woo!) There should be at least a chapter a week unless I deploy ^-^

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