Chapter 21

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When Mercedes finally told her parents that she was pregnant she felt a lot better, even though she didn't tell them the truth about how she got pregnant, her parents were still hurt and disappointed, I mean what parents wouldn't be disappointed if their child came to them crying saying she was raped and drugged at a party and now she's pregnant and it's too late for a abortion. Her parents were ready to find this " rapist" and lock him up for good but Mercedes claimed she was too drugged up to remember. Her parents asked if she wanted to give the baby up for adoption but you know she came up with some sob story about how she would regret giving the baby up and the baby didn't ask to be there. Her parents had no choice but to accept her decision. At the end of the day she was 18 and it was her body, her baby and her choice.

It was bittersweet for Mercedes when she found out that she was having a boy, she was excited but she was also sad because her son could never meet his daddy, that was taken away from him. She hated that she had to put her baby through this but she didn't have a choice, she couldn't bring E Dog back from the dead and she couldn't change the pass. Mercedes knee one thing for a fact though, she could make Desire's baby feel just how her baby would feel growing up without a parent. Mercedes had so many tricks up her sleeves when it came to getting Justice for her baby's father, everything hit her when she saw Desire on Instagram pregnant and happy while she was sitting up  pregnant , stressed out and struggling.

Mercedes planned on having her baby first before she did anything crazy, she didn't lose her baby trying to get revenge over losing E Dog, but they would feel her pain shortly and she knew it would be better to keep them clueless and make it seem like everything was good.

Once Mercedes was getting used to being back home in Atlanta, she enrolled in college and was attending online classes from home, her parents thought it would be best for her because of the pregnancy and all the things she supposedly went through. They only wanted the best for their daughter but she wanted way more which was how she ended up in the situation that she was currently in.

She thought that her lie would get her through the bullshit that she was going through but it actually made everything worse. One day Mercedes mother came home upset, She figured that somebody must have pissed her off at work but that wasn't the case. Her mother asked her if she could come down stairs because she had something to talk to her about and that's when thing went left, she didn't think much of it at first until she saw how her mother was staring at her, she was looking at Mercedes like she had shit on her face.

Mercedes didn't know how to respond when her mother asked her who was E Dog?
She didn't even have to respond, the facial expression that she made after her mother asked answered everything for her, without her saying a word.

" uhm I don't know" Mercedes replied

" haven't you already lied enough Mercedes?" Her mother asked

" what are you talking about? I'm confused" Mercedes answered

" I know that your confused, I can tell! That's how you got yourself caught up in this mess!" Her mother replied

" what mess? I don't know what your talking about" Mercedes replied

" you know exactly what I'm talking about! You better get to explaining before your father gets home!" Her mother yelled at her, ready to snap.

" I don't know a E dog!" Mercedes lied

" okay so why am I receiving emails saying that your pregnant by some murder named E dog? What the hell is going on!" Her mother asked

Mercedes froze up, she didn't know what to say and she didn't know what to think. Who would email her mother saying she was pregnant by E dog? Shit was starting to get real deep and she didn't know what to say or do, she didn't know who sent the email but she was ready to find out.

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