Chapter 28: Eighteenth pt. 1

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After all this craziness I forgot all about my birthday. And it's my 18th, how could I forget it? My birthday is in less than 24 hours, so not a lot of time to plan. But stress is high as everyone is making such a big deal out of it. The main two that hold all the stress is Daniela and Ruby, as they 'identify' as party planners. They want to give me the best birthday ever after such a crazy year. So they're going all out. Especially with how extra Ruby is, like look at what he did for Mario's baby shower. But they're doing whatever they can on such short notice.

"Guys you don't have to stress so much." I say sitting at Daniela's kitchen table while she and Ruby make phone calls and boss people around. "I'm fine with just a big dinner and a cake." I shrug.

This causes both their heads to snap towards me.

"It's your 18th!" Says Ruby loudly with a crack in his voice.

"It's a milestone!" Defends Daniela.

"It's a big deal!" They say at the same time.

"You can do your little boring dinner and cake on any other birthdays except your milestones. So whether or not you want a party or not, you're getting one." Says Daniela pointing a finger at me.

"I stand by what she said." Says Ruby crossing his arms.

"Fine, whatever." I say rolling my eyes at their seriousness.

"Now let's get back to business. Are the 200 bouquets ordered?" Ruby asks Danny.

"200?!" I say taken aback. "Surely I don't need that much and it would be expensive."

"You're right." Says Ruby looking at me. "We'll make it 100." He days looking back at Danny before pulling out his phone.

I groan and rest my head on the table. Well at least I'm not the one paying for it.


As the sun lowers in the sky I decide to go back home to have a shower and dinner. As I walk into my house I see Oscar sitting on my couch, Antonio no where in sight.

"Hey." I smile as I walk over to him.

"Hermosa." He greets kissing my lips before I sit beside him.

"Where's Antonio?" I ask.

"He just left." He answers. "Don't know where to." He adds. "So how's the party planning going?" He asks.

"It's a headache. Danny and Ruby are doing too much. But at least I don't have to stress about it." I shrug.

"Do you want a party?" He asks.

"I do, don't get me wrong. But I guess it's just gonna be boring. I can't drink, can't smoke, nothing." I sigh.

"You don't need those things to have fun." Says Oscar wrapping an arm around me. "As long as you're surrounded by the people you love, energy will be high and believe me... you will have fun." He says before kissing my temple.

"Yeah you're right. Just haven't had a party without all those things since I was 13. I'm not mad or sad about it because I'll be fine, I know I can have fun without those things." I say placing a kiss on his lips. "Just a little bummed it had to be on my 18th."


I wake up to the smell of food being cooked. And it smells so good. Slowly getting out of bed, I make my way to the kitchen. I see Oscar over the stove, little beads of sweat shining on his forehead. Guess he's been cooking a while.

"Good morning baby mama." He smiles as he notices me enter the kitchen.

"Good morning to you baby daddy." I smirk walking over to him.

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