Chapter 26: Handled

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There's been a lot going on lately. Monses mom died, we got a lead on lil Ricky, the gang went to a music video production to find him because apparently he's a music producer, we found out Rosè was best friends with Cuchillos aka Stacey, we also found out Rosè cheated on Frankie with Lil Ricky who was with Cuchillos and turns out we're all dead anyway, nothing but loose ends. As soon as Ricky is found he'll be killed then we'll be killed. Well we're not too sure about me since Cuchillos said she had plans for me. I haven't seen or heard from her since, but believe me when I say my anxiety is high. Upon realisation that we'll be killed, Cesar came up with the plan to kill her before she kills us.


"Handled? What do you mean handled? Handled could mean anything." Exclaims Jamal.

The gang sits in the Diaz's dining room and Oscar has just told us about his meeting with Cuchillos.

"Handle with care. Man handled. Twitter handle." Continues Jamal.

"Yeah cause spooky is setting Cuchillos up with a twitter handle." Says Monse rhetorically with her arms crossed.

"There are handlers that handle every-" Starts Jamal.

"Enough!" Says Oscar in a stern tone with his voice raised.

Everyone goes silent and looks at him, the only sound is an incoming text from Rubys phone.

"Are you sure about this?" Says Monse breaking the silence. "We're talking about taking a life here."

"Or yours, mine, everyone's." Reply's Oscar.

"And yet you work for her." Says Monse.

This girl has been getting on my nerves lately. Since the whole kiss with Oscar, she has been extra irritating I swear. But I forgave her and I need to just let it go..

"Worked." Corrects Oscar causing everyone to snap their heads to him. "Past tense. She's out of control. It's never been this bad before. And it's all for nothing. Putting you kids in the middle of her crazy vendetta. Shits messed up. And she doesn't give a damn. She doesn't give a shit about no one. Even those most loyal to her, like our dad. Made him take the fall back in the day. But her time is up. She's taking a meeting she's not walking out of."

"Oh." Says Jamal looking around at us all. "Handled." He says with realisation.

"You guys need to keep yourselves busy starting now." Continues Oscar. "Go somewhere you'll be seen. A place with lots of cameras, like a mall.

Jamal sighs. "I hate malls. Dying industry. I shop for everything online."

"Wherever you are, use your phone." Oscar says dismissing Jamal's comment. "Just don't use it to call me."

Well shit, that doesn't make me feel better about this whole situation.

"Well how do we know when it's been handled?" Asks Ruby.

"That's a good question." I say looking at Oscar.

"I'll hit up Jamila or Cesar." He answers before walking out to the front.

An uneasiness sits in my chest and the pit of my stomach. I don't feel good about this plan at all.

I get up and follow him outside. I see him sitting down on the steps with a cigarette. He looks up and as soon as he sees me he puts the cigarette out. I sit down beside him on the steps.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." I admit.

"Hermosa, everything will work out." He says grabbing my hand. "Once Cuchillos is taken care of, we'll be safer. And I can focus on taking care of you and our child." He reassures.

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