Chapter 6: Plan

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It doesn't take long for the gang to get back together. Which actually surprised me. I thought Monse would've still been mad. But that girl isn't one to give up.

"We've been chewing on this for the last two weeks and it's finally time to move forward with the plan." Smiles Ruby.

"A plan for what?" "What plan?" Cesar and I ask at the same time.

"Getting you out of the gang." Says Monse.

Cesar and I look at each other before laughing. We look back at them and see they have serious expressions.

Cesar and I both stop laughing.

"You're serious?" Asks Cesar.

Ruby and Monse nod while Jamal smiles.

"Oh my god. No! No no no, no. There is not out. You're being naive. Once you're jumped in, you can't get out. Unless you get jumped out, and that's not... you know- an option." Says Cesar.

"Why not getting jumped out as an option?" Jamal asks.

"They'll beat you till you die." I cut in and Cesar nods.

"Oh, I see your dilemma." Says Jamal.

"Death isn't the only option Ruby." Says Monse looking at Ruby.

Ruby gets off his chair with a smile. "So, after copious amounts of research, I've formulated a theory that all great things come in threes." Starts Ruby and that's when I tune out.

I rest my chin on my hand, staring off into the distance not caring about what's going on around me.

A binder being shoved in my face snaps me back into reality.

"I call them the three M's. Money, murder, manipulation." He says looking at the binders that Jamal and Monse hold.

"No, not that one. They're watermarked." He says pointing at the two binders.

"Clearly murders off the table. The irony would be too much." Says Monse after she and Jamal swap binders.

Cesar grabs my binder from me and puts it and his on Ruby's bed.

"There's no way we can hustle up enough cash with a car wash to make it worth Oscar's while." Says Jamal. "Unless..." He starts.

"Jamal don't say it." Says Monse.

"Getting a lot of cash isn't outside the realm of possibility." He says ignoring her.

"What are you talking about?" Asks Cesar.

"Rollerworld." We all say.

"Guys it's real and 50k is still out there. The dudes that robbed Rollerworld got put away, but the money was never recovered." Exclaims Jamal.

"In the eighties." Says Ruby rolling his eyes.

"And the rumours still rampant, what about The Goonies? Some of those kids thought it was b.s until they found the treasure and they weren't even-" Explains Jamal before getting cut off.

"Brown. We're brown, only white kids find the treasure." Says Monse.

"True." Agrees Jamal as he nods his head.

Then Ruby's Abuela comes into the room looking around for something.

"What are you looking for abuelita?" Asks Ruby.

"Baby Jesus. He's missing. The special one blessed by the bishop. I put him in here before I started to move into my room." She explains.

The three of us stare at Jamal as he holds it casually in his hand.

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