Chapter 19: Baby shower

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I know I've said this before but I really need to stop drinking. Because guess who threw up again this morning... me. My head hurts like hell, my throat is so dry and I also have a bad taste in my mouth. But to be fair I have nothing else to do, other than party with the Santos. Since I'm on lockdown it's really the only fun thing I can do.

Right now I am at Ruby's helping plan for the baby shower. Surprisingly Antonio and Oscar actually let me come. But they had to drop me off and I'm not allowed to walk outside the house unless they're there. And even though I told them not to, I'm certain they got a Santo watching the house.

"She has completely cut me off. She's not talking to me at all. I really love her you know... but I'm going to be a dad and I don't know everything is so messed up! But I umm... I don't love Amber. But I can't leave her because of our child. And I don't want to break her heart." Vents Mario.

"Look, Mario. She wasn't even your girlfriend this just was a...... lesson from life. Use a condom. But hey you're learning." I shrug. "But maybe you should talk to Amber. See if she feels the same about you. You'll never know she might not have feelings for you either." I say patting his shoulder.

"Yeah... you're right." He says as he scratches the back of his head. "But imma be honest with you... I'm going to need a drink because I do not have the balls for this right now." He sighs and I let out a little laugh as we walk towards the kitchen. "Oh and one more thing." He says pulling me back away from everyone.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I cheated on Amber. With Angelica." He whispers, wincing as if the words hurt coming out of his mouth.

"You what?!" I say a little too loudly.

"Shhhh." He shooshes me as he clasps a hand over my mouth.

I push his arm away. "What?!" I asked in a loud whisper.

"Do I tell her? What do I do?" He asks frantically but quietly.

I take a deep breath and run my hands over my face before turning back to him.

"Just do what I said before and talk to her, okay."

"Alright. I definitely need that drink."  He mutters as we walk into the kitchen.

"I conspired with the doctor and I ordered a gender reveal desert." Says Geny, Ruby's mom.

"A what?!" Yells Mario. "Mum we don't wanna know the gender! We wanna be surprised!"

"And you will be... when you cut it." Reply's Geny.

"I think the bigger issue is why are we deciding the baby's gender. They baby should be deciding for itself. We need to wait for the baby to tell us how he, she or they identify." Says Ruby holding up his hands. "Which is why we can't use any coloured decorations. Everything needs to be neutral."

"Neutral?" Questions Geny. "Beige?"

"Yes! I was thinking grey, but beige is better, way less gendered." Says Ruby.

"No colour?" Asks Geny in disbelief. "Who are we?! Beige?! Beige is not our friend! Beige brings out the yellow of our skin. Oh no that's it. Uh-uh I quit. I am done. I officially do not IDENTIFY as the party planner."

"Well I do." Steps up Ruby with a smile. "Thanks mom. I will be taking the baton."

"No! No, uh-uh. Mom Ruby can't take over. Remember the twins christening? Dads 40th?" Mario tries to persuade Geny into being the planner.

"The Santos party? I turned that shit right around!" Gloats Ruby.

Geny's head snaps to Ruby then moves to Mario.

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