Chapter 11: Busy day

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Our group drifted apart a bit, but quickly made up. Monse convinced everyone that she had a crush on Cesar but he didn't feel the same, that's why she got mad. Ruby made it clear to Olivia about how he feels about her. Jamal surprisingly did good on the football field, but he quit. He did end up confessing everything to his parents who honestly didn't care. Cesar and Olivia started dating. They're always going on dates and being all 'cute and cuddly'. Monse is trying to be happy for them but her heart breaks a bit more every time she sees them together. I feel bad for her. Dante is still a good friend, he still lets me know how much he cares for me. Oscar and I are more 'open to the public' with our relationship now. Antonio surprisingly doesn't even care. We could be making out in front of him and he wouldn't care.

Jamal is still going on about Rollerworld and I'm supporting him because that's what friends do. So that means I've been going on this crazy hunt for the money with him. It's getting pretty tiring. But we hit a dead end. Apparently lil Ricky is dead.


After everyone was talking excitedly about Olivias quince next week they all went their seperate ways, probably to plan. I ended up being left alone at the dining room table. I get up and make my way to the bathroom when the door to Olivias room opens.

"Mila." Says Cesar in a low voice.

"Yeah?" I ask turning to him.

"Can you do that girly thing where you get soft and supportive?" He asks.

"Huh? Why-" I stop when I notice Olivia sitting on her bed crying. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask as I push past Cesar.

I sit on the bed and wrap my arms around her. I look over at Cesar who stands in the doorway awkwardly. I motion for him to come over and he does. He sits next to her and awkwardly places an arm around her.

"What happened?" Asks Monse coming into the room. She walks over and sits beside me and places a hand on Olivias knee.

"You guys don't have to do this." Sniffles Olivia.

"I'm not doing anything. This is for me." Says Monse.

"And us." Says Cesar.

"Don't know why, but we all felt the need to hug." I say causing her to crack a smile.

"I can't believe I'm about to have my first birthday without my parents, and it's my quince." She says wiping her tears.

After a bit of talking Ruby walks into the room.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly.

"Here." I say standing up so Ruby can take my place.

He smiles at me gratefully.

"Nothing. You just totally and completely devastated Olivia by suggesting she has a quince." Says Monse.

"Well I'll leave you to it." I say before walking out the room.

"Mila! Mila! Mila!" Shouts Jamal running over to me. "Oh Jamila." He says with a huge smile on face.

"Jamal..." I say slowly.

"So last night I was at the library. Yes the library. And I was doing some digging and I went real deep. There's is no proof that little Ricky is dead! And now we have a new lead! Look look look!" He says so fast as if his words are running a marathon.

He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of a gnome.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Our lead." He smirks.


So we followed the lead and in resulted in Jamal getting himself a job. He has to work and in exchange he'll get flowers for Olivias quinceañera. He was asking questions about little Rickys grave and he was just making it too obvious.

Hermosa|Oscar Díaz {spooky}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon