Chapter 22: News

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I sit here shocked. I honestly don't know what to say or do. My eyes lowly drift to Daniela and she looks stunned, her mouth hangs open and her eyes show disbelief.

"Don't be playin." I say shaking my head. I don't believe this. I am in complete denial.

"I assure you I'm not." Says the doctor with a sympathetic smile.

"Nah, maybe you mixed up the tests." I say unable to wrap my head around it.

"No, we've made no mistake." He promises.

No no no. This can't be happening.

All of a sudden my body feels hot, I feel caged in, suffocated.

"Is it getting hot in here?" I ask fanning myself with my shirt.

"Miss are you okay? Do you need anything? Water?" He offers.

"I'm fine. I just- I uh..." The walls feel like they're closing in. "I need some air." I say choking up.

Before another second can pass I get up and walk out. Daniela snaps out of her shock and her head quickly snaps towards  me as I walk out.

"Jamila!" She calls out.

Walking out of the building, I sit down on the steps. My breathing becomes quicker and I feel like my head is spinning.

I hear the door behind me open and close. Daniela sits beside me, analysing me.

"Mila." She says sympathetically.

I turn to face her as tears brim in my eyes.

"What am I going to do? Shit, this is going to ruin my life. I haven't even finished high school yet. I can't go out and party or hang out with my friends for the next nine months. And even after that nine months I can't do shit. I haven't even lived my life yet!" I say growing angry with myself. "Shit Danny, I can't do this." I say as the tears fall.

"Oh hermana." She says as she wraps her arms around me. I lean into her, resting my head on her shoulder as the tears pour down.

"Fuck, what is Oscar going to say? He's got enough going on with the Santos and he wouldn't want a child considering he takes care of the Santos and he wouldn't want to raise a child in this environment-" I continue.

"Mila, talk to him. And Oscar isn't like that-" She starts.

"Yes he is. He threw out Cesar, his own flesh and blood-" I begin before she cuts me off again.

"But he's all about responsibility." She reasons.

"Well, that's true..." I agree.

"And even if he doesn't want to, I'll be a part of the babies life. We will raise this baby together. I'll be with you every step of the way." She reassured me with a warm smile.

"I am so happy to have you in my life." I say smiling through my tears. "But speaking of environment. How am I supposed to bring a child up in this environment? In this neighbourhood? Our house and the house next door being hotspots for a gang hangout, that isn't a good environment."

"Well we grew up with that exact environment and we turned out fine." She convinces.

"I didn't." I chuckle as I continue to sob. "Look at me. Seventeen, alcoholic and pregnant."

"Mila, you turned out amazing. So what you're getting a head start in life. You'll be an amazing mom. And you have a strong support system behind you." Says Daniela pulling out of the embrace and placing her hands on my shoulders.

I smile at her weakly. "Can we get out of here now?"

"Yeah, c'mon. Let's go." She says fishing her keys out of her pocket.

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