51 - happy ending

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~ march first (mattsun's bday) ~

"dude, i'm telling you, he's my boyfriend." you were standing outside of mattsun's dorm room with his roommate right in front of you. he was leaning his side against the doorway with one foot over the other.

"are you sure?" he squinted at you. "you would be surprised how many girls lie about that." you stood up straighter that the mention of that.

"how often does that happen?"

"not too often, but around once every other month. if you would believe me, i get more girls than him." he waved his hand around. "nothing you should worry about if you're the real one. he only has eyes for his girlfriend which i'm going to have to believe is you since you look exactly like the picture he has on his desk."

"and we went through all of that when you knew it was me." you crossed your arms and he simply just grinned at you.

"i wanted to know the person mattsun won't stop raving about you. every time he comes back from a visit back home, he's all smiley and has a look of love on his face. not to mention how smitten he looks whenever you call. how wonderful having someone to love must be."

you absolutely loved hearing how your relationship with mattsun looked from someone else's eyes. "anddd, judging by the look on your face, you're just as smiley and in love as he is."

"stop flirting with my girl, man." you barely had time to move our head before you were being lifted off the ground and into someone's chest. arms circled your waist and there was a kiss on your cheek.

"i wasn't flirting." his roommate rolled his eyes, but still had a smile on his face. "we were getting to know each other. you could've possibly interrupted the beginning of the best friendship in the world."

"yeah, yeah, whatever." mattsun put you down but kept an arm around you.

"alright, i'm out. nice to finally meet you, mattsun's girlfriend. don't forget about me!" he raised a hand while walking out of the doorway and down the hall.

"i probably will forget you, but nice to meet you too, mattsun's roommate!" you called out.

"did you actually like him?" mattsun walked you guys through the door and shut the door after. "you can say no, his ego has been shot through the roof and cannot be bruised. i don't think anyone has the power to bring him down."

"he'll meet someone one day who will." you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. "but for now, happy birthday."

his hands traveled down your back and your waist until they reached the back of your thighs. "jump up." you did and he caught you easily. your legs wrapped around his torso and you leaned down to kiss him.

"how does it feel to be one year older?"

"one more year with you." he was too busy kissing you to even think about an answer, so he just said the first thing that came into his mind. on the other side, you were completely melting into him.

your chests were pressed together and you seemed to be falling more and more into him. in more ways than one. every day a piece of your heart was being passed over to him until there was one piece left. one piece to love him with everything you had.

DLIBYH - i. matsukawaWhere stories live. Discover now