40 - blanket fort

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mattsun's eyes followed you everywhere you went for the rest of the night. he stayed back on the couch and waited for you to come sit next to him but you were running around and seemed to be avoiding him.

he thought it was cute.

one second you were gathering pillows and blankets for the night, the next you were shaking your head and had your phone in your hand, over in the kitchen getting a drink, going up and down the stairs twice, and then announcing that the three of them could sleep in your room.

you rushed up the stairs and left the three guys downstairs to follow. before mattsun could take a step forward kentaro stopped him.

"hey." mattsun waited for him to say something.

"so do you want me to send you the picture?" makki broke the silence and held up his phone to his best friend. mattsun looked down at the picture and find himself staring at it before answering.

"send it." mattsun turned back to kentaro. "i kissed your sister by the way." then he walked past him and up to your room. he opened the door to your room and saw you sitting in your chair and spinning around in it.

you didn't see him walk in and he surprised you when he reached out and grabbed the chair to stop you from spinning it. "oh hi." you looked up at him and smiled so brightly that mattsun wanted to take a picture and keep it forever.

"where are the other two?" you looked around him and at the door.

"downstairs probably gathering up all the blankets and pillows you threw at us." he leaned against your dresser when you stood up off the chair.

"i should help them." you took a step to go but mattsun stopped you.

"i also told then we kissed." he added casually.

"oh. i'll stay here then."

"at least come closer." he complained when he saw the distance between the two of you. he lifted up one arm when you approached him and let you lean against his side. "much better." both your arms wrapped around his waist and his thumb drew circles on your upper arm.

"what was their reaction?"

"i think they might still be processing it." he answered and let his lips press against your forehead. "i'm still kind of processing it."

his hands played with the waistband of your pants and his eyes were traveling all over your face, trying to figure out if he was dreaming or if this was actually happening.

"okay so, you guys aren't gonna be all lovely dovey in front of us are you?" makki questioned and showed up at the doorway with pillows in his arms while kentaro had the blankets. "like i love you guys together more than anyone but like.."

"i would like to say that i definitely love us being together so much more than you." mattsun interrupted. "there's no way you come close."

makki tossed his phone over to mattsun to shut him up and mattsun looked down to see it was opened to a picture.

you leaned against mattsun's arm and looked at the phone as well. mattsun's ears had gone red and his cheeks had the slightest pink blush on it when you both saw what was on the phone.

the picture makki had taken earlier.

"ooo, i want that." you said and took the phone out of mattsun's hand to send it to him and yourself. while you did that mattsun looked up at makki and they both exchanged a look.

if you looked further into his camera roll you would find the year's worth of pictures that makki took.

"hey, where's mars?" mattsun spoke up to get your attention away from the phone. you looked around the room and noticed that your cat wasn't there.

"i'll go get her." you handed makki his phone back and made your way downstairs. makki and kentaro began to make a little blanket fort next to your bed while mattsun stayed against your desk, waiting for you to return.

"we have to have a talk." makki announced when you came back into the room with mars who was trying to get back down on the floor.

"about what?" you sat down on the ground in front of mattsun and leaned against his legs. mars jumped out of your arms and cuddled up next to you.

"a few things are needed to be said." makki cleared his throat and looked at mattsun. "you hurt her and we're going to have problems." then he looked down at you. "you hurt him and we're going to have problems. that is all."

"you really think i would hurt her?" mattsun asked and glanced down at you.

"no." makki said confidently. "it's just the best friend protocol that i have to give my best friend's partner when they start dating and since you're both my best friends i'm giving it to both of you."

your head lifted up when you heard the word dating and mattsun also tensed up at the word. kentaro was the first to catch onto your expressions and shoved makki on the back.

"what?" makki turned around and began to talk with kentaro who was two seconds away from rolling his eyes.

while they did that, mattsun dropped down to sit behind you and his head was resting on your shoulder. "i'm taking you on a date on christmas eve." he said and placed a kiss under your ear before standing back up and going to break the two other guys apart.

you were staring after him while mars was lightly tapping her paw against your hand. you looked away from mattsun and down at mars. "looks like i have something planned for christmas eve." you said quietly to her while extended your finger for her to play with.

mattsun looked back at you and smiled when he found you playing with mars and quietly talking to her like she was going to respond. but mars did occasionally let out a soft meow every now and then while you talked.

"you guys aren't dating yet?" makki leaned over to whisper to mattsun.

"no. i said we kissed. if we were dating i would've said we were dating." mattsun replied while pinning the edge of the blanket to the headboard of your bed to make a little blanket fort.

"oh. my bad. are you gonna ask her out?"

"of course i am." mattsun dropped a few pillows down on the floor. "you think i'm going to let her slip away and let some asshole take her away the same day i was gonna ask her out? i think i've learned my lesson the first time."

"just so you know." makki started. "i'll never take her away from you like volleyball number player one did. i'm completely on the y/n and mattsun train."

"yes, i think i know you have no intention of stealing away the girl i've been in love with for four years now."

"just saying. and i think you're going to do a wonderful job asking her out."

"now you just sound like a mom at her kid's sports game." mattsun turned back to you when you moved over to sit under the little blanket fort.

it was barely enough to fit the four of you but you guys made it work. you were between makki and mattsun with your head on mattsun's chest while makki's legs were thrown over your legs. mattsun's arm was around you and his chin was resting on top of your head.

kentaro had mars on his lap and you handed makki your computer so he could call iwaizumi. none of you guys wanted to lose contact with iwaizumi while you were together and iwaizumi was slightly scared that he was drifting away from you.

but after hours of facetiming him, watching a movie with horrible quality, laughing, and talking the five of you have never been better.

fluff and love for mattsun and y/n <3

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