28 - edward cullen

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what the fuck.

that was the only thing in mattsun's mind when he woke up. he had lifted his head up and saw you laying on his chest.

he raised his arm over your head and pinched himself to make sure he was fully awake and wasn't still dreaming. after around five pinches to his arm he stopped and looked down at you.

he wished he could capture this moment and keep it in his head. who knows when the next time you fall asleep on his chest would be.

on the inside, his mind was freaking out. how did he get himself into this situation? how are you gonna react when you up? why was he complaining?

he reached over to check his phone and saw it was three which meant his sister should be home. as much as he didn't want to leave the spot he was in, mattsun got up to make sure mai was okay.

"hey mai." he poked his head into her room and saw her sitting on the floor with a picture book.  

"hi." she didn't even look up from the book. "makki wants you to call him."

"you talked to makki?" mattsun used her mirror to fix his hair.

"he called and i told him you were sleeping with your friend." mai answered casually while flipping the page.

mattsun knew that couldn't have gone well. "alright. well i'm gonna go back and call him."

mattsun left her room and went back to his. you were turning back and forth, feeling the empty spot next to you.

you grabbed onto the pillow that mattsun threw back onto the bed and held that to your chest.

"hey!" makki said when he answered the phone. "how was your nap? i bet you loved it. are you even off the bed?"

"hello to you too." mattsun ran his hands through his hair and made it messier than it already was.

"did you see the picture yet? did you put them all into your favorites album?"

"what pictures?" mattsun put the phone on speaker and opened his camera roll. "what did you say to mai?" he asked as he scrolled through the many pictures his sister had taken. a lot more.

"what? no. i would never. i took my own supply of pictures. well, screenshots. they're the same thing aren't they?" makki sent all the screenshots to mattsun.

"great." mattsun deleted the duplicates and kept only about a tenth of what mai had took.

"is she still sleeping?" makki asked.


"and where are you?"

"standing next to the bed like a fucking creep."

"what are you? edward cullen?" makki scoffed. "except you move at the speed of a sloth."

"you read twilight?" mattsun asked, amused. there was a long pause after that question.

"no i don't."

"and i don't believe you."

"is makki here?" you said without opening your eyes. you rolled over to the side and opened one eye to look up at mattsun.

"hi!" makki shouted.

"hey." you nearly rolled off the bed, but mattsun placed his leg on the side so you couldn't fall. "what time is it?"

"four thirty." makki answered before mattsun could.

"i should get home."

"you should stay for dinner!" makki shouted and mattsun wanted to slap him through the phone. "I would love to come over, but my mom wants me home for dinner."

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