37 - marriage

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five months later - december

you had been moved into your university dorm for a good five months. at least once a day for the past five months mattsun had been calling you every other day and texting everyday.

you were the closest with him in both friendship and in distance. he was only a two hour drive away from where you were staying while makki was three hours.

"hey. i got takeout if you're hungry." your roommate, yumi, spoke up. "and your phone rang." you said a quick thank you before taking your phone away from the charger.

you opened up a box and grabbed a fork to begin eating. with the other hand you looked through your phone at the missed call. your mood lifted when you saw mattsun's name on the notification and you wasted no time before clicking on it.

he answered within the second ring. "hi."

"hi. sorry i missed your call from earlier." you apologized and went to get a drink from the fridge.

"don't worry about it." mattsun said and you could hear the door closing behind him. "reason i called was makki wanted to throw this christmas party and new years party. the christmas is just for us and then the new years and for anyone to come. think you can make it?"

"is it on christmas day?"

"christmas eve, but your mom did invite us over for christmas dinner since she said you dad was going to be on a business trip." mattsun responded with ease.

"how is it you know more about what's happening with my family than i do?" you grabbed a water bottle and twisted the cap off.

mattsun wasn't going to tell you that makki and kentaro talk to each other and then makki tells him what happens.

"i deserve a spot in your family." mattsun said. "i was there nearly everyday last year."

"you were. so you want to marry into the family or do you want to be adopted in?" you leaned against the counter and poked your room around the box.

mattsun paused, thinking about how he was going to approach your question. he cleared his throat before speaking one word. "marriage."

"great so my mom is single if you want to marry her which would make it weird because you would be my stepdad .." you slowly thought about that and wanted to throw up. "let's not think about that anymore."

"i was never thinking about marrying your mother." mattsun was holding back a laugh at the disgust in your voice. "i think her daughter is a better option for me."

then it hit him that he was openly flirting.

"really?" your food was forgotten and there was a smile that was stuck on your face. on the other line there was a same smile on mattsun's. "i don't know, her daughter has pretty high standards."

"i'm sure i could meet them."

"are you sure about that?"

"send me a list and i'll meet them all in a week." mattsun replied and nearly hit his head on the top of his car. "oh fuck."

you found the way he said those two words far too attractive than they should've been. "i'll get you the list in the next two hours."

"better start a timer too. one week, seven days, 168 hours." mattsun put his phone on speaker while he started his car.

"look at you being so smart. university really changed you, huh?" you could see the image of mattsun rolling his eyes in your mind. on the other side of line, mattsun did roll his eyes at your sentence.

"are you saying i was stupid back in school?" mattsun let out a scandalized gasp. 

"maybe." you shrugged even though he couldn't see it. even though it's been months since you last seen him you're still used to him being near you.

"i'm offended. i'm taking back my christmas gift that i bought for you." he shamelessly admitted that he already gotten you a present before the second week of december even hit.

"then i won't give you yours."

"you wouldn't dare." mattsun nearly missed the turn due to focusing on the call too much. "okay, i'm hanging up now before you get me into a car crash."

"i'm literally two hours away from you. how would i cause a car crash?" you asked, not wanting him to leave yet.

"three hours actually. i'm going back home tonight." he said and your jaw dropped. "i think i forgot to tell you that."

"you're going back tonight? i thought you weren't going to be back until next week!" you nearly shouted at him in surprise.


"i'm not going to let you into the house when you come by just because you didn't tell me this."

"i'm sorry! it just slipped out of my mind." mattsun said sheepishly. "i promise i was going to tell you though."

"fine. i'll see you there, don't crash. i would murder you before any car crash would if you got in one." you stood back up and walked back to the counter.

"you always have such a sweet way with your words." mattsun sighed but the smile on his face never slipped. "i'll see you next week then?"

"next week."

"you better not forget a gift for me." mattsun didn't want the call to end. it was so easy to talk to you now.

"ill leave it right at the door so it'll be there before i leave." you replied.

"the balcony door?"

"you know me so well. okay bye." you hung up before either of you could drag on the conversation any longer.

"are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" yumi asked and turned her head to you. you had nearly forgotten she was even there.

"he's not."

"best friend?"

"best friend."

"alright." yumi didn't question it any longer. she's read enough books to know what happens at the end.

you looked down at your phone where mattsun had just sent you a picture of the sunset and you had the urge to yell at him to put his phone away.

you had the urge to do many things to him actually. talk to him, call him, facetime, anything that involved him.

but there was this small tug in the back of your head that wouldn't allow you to. bad memories and hurt was attached to that tug and you never wanted to get rid of a feeling more than that.

it's not that you still loved or even liked oikawa anymore. he could do whatever he wanted and you couldn't care less. it wasn't him that was the problem with you now, it was what he left behind.

constant doubt.

i have no many group projects for what reason...

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