36 - ugly monster

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"well this fucking sucks." you were sitting on the sidewalk next to mattsun and iwaizumi while waiting for his parents to get the car to drive him to the airport.

"it's gonna be weird without you three around my sister and at our house everyday, i'll admit that." kentaro said from where he was standing behind the four of you.

"i'm gonna miss mars so much." mattsun whined and held mars against his chest.

"you're the one who's going to school the closest to here." makki pointed out. "then me an hour away and then y/n two hours and iwaizumi is halfway across the world."

"stop talking about it then." iwaizumi pushed makki back so he laid on the sidewalk.

you were busy looking at the way mattsun interacted with mars to notice. mattsun didn't notice you staring at him and you didn't realize that you were staring at him.

makki and iwaizumi were busy staring at you two being completely ignored oblivious to yourselves and each other.

"well." iwaizumi slapped makki on the shoulder. "good luck with those two. text me updates and call me if they ever get together or kiss or hook up or whatever. i don't care if it's at three in the morning just call me."

"does that mean i can call you at four in the morning anytime i want?" makki asked excitedly.

"sure. i probably won't pick up but sure." iwaizumi nodded and stood up. he let makki get a picture in before placing his hands on the top of your head and mattsun's head.

"done staring yet?" he didn't direct his question at one of your in particular, but both of you started looking away from each other at the same time.

"i'll miss you even though i still hate you for leaving." you wrapped your arms around his waist. "i hate breaking up with friends. oh god, imagine if you had a girlfriend and had to leave her here and you go over to america."

"well, i don't have a girlfriend so i don't have to worry about that." iwaizumi wrapped his own arms around you and realized how much he would miss your talking and interesting conversation topics.

"group hug!" makki shouted and shoved mattsun right next to you before jumping onto iwaizumi's back.

you wrapped one arm around mattsun and the other around iwaizumi. mattsun happily rested his head onto your shoulders while his other hand held mars outside of the hug so she couldn't be crushed.

"kyotani junior get in here." makki said and dragged kentaro into the hug.

all of them heard the car pull up and a dog's bark but they all stayed in the hug, not wanting to let go. "hajime." his dad called out. he didn't want to interrupt the goodbye either but he had to.

"i don't want you to go." mattsun had to grabbed onto your waist to pull your away.

"i'll be back." iwaizumi lifted up his arm. "besides, i'll always have this bracelet with me." sitting on his wrist was the bracelet you had gave him and the others during the suspension.

mattsun was leaning against the car while petting iwaizumi's dog, haru. haru was trying to stick his head out the window and his eyes were stuck on mars.

"get my cat away before iwaizumi's dog bites her." you grabbed onto mattsun's arm and got mars back into your arms.

"haru won't hurt her." mattsun said and scratched the top of haru's head. "he's harmless."

"i suppose so, but can never be too sure." you watched as haru leaned his face into mattsun's hand before standing on his hind legs and tried to climb onto iwaizumi when he opened the door.

"well i guess this is bye." iwaizumi closed the door but kept his window open.

"for now." you stepped back onto the sidewalk along with mattsun and watched as the car started moving again.

"don't miss us too much!" makki called out while leaned his chin on the top of your head.

"call us every time something exciting happens! maybe bring home a girlfriend!" you saw him roll his eyes. "or boyfriend. your pick!"

"take care of yourselves." iwaizumi said seriously. "and take care of her too." he pointed at you.

"you know we will." mattsun wrapped his arm around you when makki started following the car. you leaned your head against his chest and waited until iwaizumi was gone.

"don't cry." mattsun used his finger and wiped the tear that fell down your cheek. "he'll be back before you know it."

"i want to pack you up in my bag and take you to university with me." you leaned back against him completely and looked up at him.

"i won't complain about that. i'll hide under your bed." mattsun kept one finger stroking mars' face.

"then i can use the theres a monster under my bed." you grinned up at him and he flicked your nose.

"how rude. but if i have to be a monster at least you'll have a cute monster under your bed."

"i suppose so. maybe i can hide makki under my bed too."

"he can be the ugly one." mattsun said and makki let out a gasp when he heard.

"i can't be the ugly one!" he cried and spun around to face you two. "i don't know what you're talking about but i can't be the ugly one! i'm never the ugly one!"

"i can't be the ugly one either." mattsun played with the back of your shirt collar and you were trying your best not to get too distracted by it.

"wait." makki paused, making mattsun glance up from where he was playing with your shirt. "what are we talking about?"

"that she's going to sneak us into her dorm room and hide us under the bed." mattsun answered. "and that i'm going to be the cute monster under her bed and you can be the ugly one."

"i feel disrespected."


"y/n, he's being mean." makki complained to you.

"i can't control him."

"i'm pretty sure you can."

"shut up, makki." mattsun cut in.

"i'm only speaking the tru- ow! is this how you treat your best friend?" makki grabbed his leg where mattsun had kicked him.

"who says you're my best friend?" mattsun questioned and makki let out a loud and long gasp.

"if it's not me then who?" one glance down at you gave makki the answer he needed. "oh." he took out his phone and began typing.


you heard mattsun's phone let out a ding when makki sent the text and you looked over at him curiously. "what'd he say that he couldn't say it out loud?"

"it's makki." mattsun said and shot a glare to makki who just smiled back at him. "i don't want to question his actions."

"i'll take that as a compliment."

"it wasn't one."

"i'm taking it as one."



i just realized it took 35 chapters to get to catch feelings...

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