30 - hi

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for the rest of the day, people were following you around like a celebrity and paparazzi after a scandal. if you were being honest, it was a bit frightening when someone just jumped out of nowhere.

some girls even tried to fight you for breaking oikawa's heart. none of them knew that it was the other way around and they didn't believe you when you tried to explain it.it reached the point where they accused you of lying and tried to drag you back by your hair or backpack.

so that's how you ended up where you were right now. in one of the school storage rooms. it only had a few stacks of paper and other office supplies. other than that it was empty.

the school day was over and the boys were at practice and you didn't want to go home. you didn't really want to go anywhere.

you tugged on the chain that was attached to the lightbulb and let it light up the small storage room.

you took the book that mattsun gave you out of your bag, sat down on a stack of papers, and started reading.

over in the other building, mattsun was starting to wonder where you were. "hey." he called kentaro over while everyone was on a water break.

"what?" kentaro asked and lifted his water bottle to his mouth and chugged his water down.

"where's y/n?"

"i have no clue." kentaro answered honestly. "maybe she doesn't want to come to practice anymore. she's not the manager so."

"i'm your new manager!" masaki said happily and immediately went to hug oikawa.

"how?" kindaichi asked. "y/n's been here all year and apparently the last two years too and she's never been manager."

"probably not responsible enough." masaki didn't bother with the audience when she kissed oikawa right on the lips.

now kentaro and mattsun were glad you weren't there in the gym.

"anyway." mattsun turned back to kentaro. "do you think she would leave? isn't she uncomfortable with walking alone?"

"yeah.." kentaro was kind of questioning exactly how much mattsun knew about his sister. "i'll text her when we get back to the club room."

he forgot to do that.

but luckily mattsun remembered and that was the first thing he did when he got into the room. he set his phone down on the shelf while he changed his clothes.

mattsun: are u at your house?

it took you ten minutes before you answered.

y/n: no

mattsun: where are u then? we'll come get u

y/n: it's fine

y/n: i can get home by myself

mattsun: u don't like walking alone

y/n: it's okay

mattsun: no it's not, where are u

you stopped answering after that and that sent a wave of frustration through mattsun. "did she answer you?" kentaro asked and looked down at his phone.

"she stopped."

"she didn't even answer my first one."

"any idea where she is?" mattsun asked and started gathering his things up, trying to ignore masaki who was sitting on the bench next to oikawa.

"in the school? no." kentaro pulled his bag over his shoulder and started walking out the door where makki and mattsun were waiting.

"what's happening?" iwaizumi asked from where he was leaning against the railing.

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