18 - shoplifting

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"i have a better idea." you spoke up when you two were halfway to oikawa's house.

the walk so far was quiet and peaceful, sometime both of you were enjoying.

mattsun kept looking down at you every so often before looking back at the sidewalk.


"i should donate these." you said and held the bag against your chest. "masaki probably won't want to wear something I've worn." you let out a small laugh at that sentence.

"yeah that's a good idea." mattsun nodded and watched as you changed directions. "there's a donation box over by the mall."

"let's go then." you changed directions and mattsun followed after you.

"it's kind of a long walk." mattsun informed you.

"well, look's like we'll be fine." your head was turned to the direction of a familiar car.

"where are you guys going now?" iwaizumi asked.

"mall." mattsun opened the passenger door and let you inside. kentaro was sitting in the front and makki was already in the back.

you got in the car and mattsun slid in after you. "we'll go with you." makki opened his window and stuck his head out.

"you're gonna get decapitated." you said and let mattsun take the bag out of your hands and put it on the floor of the car.

"no i won't." makki said and enjoyed the feeling of wind in his face. "come on." he looked back at you and you leaned forwards, not sticking your head out of the window but putting it next to it.

mattsun leaned back against the door and watched you. "it feels cool." you admitted and closed your eyes.

makki looked over at mattsun who was watching staring at you with a soft smile.

"mattsun has a better view on his side." makki said and mattsun sat up. you opened your eyes and turned to look out mattsun's window.

iwaizumi glanced back at mattsun in the rearview mirror and pushed the button of his window down.

mattsun looked at iwaizumi and then back over at you. "look at that tree!" makki pointed out the window.

makki sent a pointed look at mattsun who leaned back and let you look out the window.

you moved closer to mattsun and he decided to give you window seat. "here." he placed his hands on your hips and helped you slid over to his seat while he sat in the middle.

"you're too tall." you said when mattsun's head nearly hit the top of the car.

"it's fine."

"iwaizumi's gonna drive over every speed bump in the city." you turned to look out the window and mattsun shrugged.

"I'll deal with it." mattsun said and slouched down as far as he could in his seat.

"you can still look out the window." you said and mattsun just leaned his head back against the seat.

"it's fine. the ceiling looks really nice." he said and you looked up.

"i like the color." you said and forgot all about the window.

"i know, they could've had it a bit darker though. what if someone stains something on it?"

makki looked over at you two when he heard you guys talking about the ceiling of the car.

"who would stain something on a car ceiling?" you asked and mattsun sighed.

"sweetheart, when two poeple love each other very much they do this thing called se-"

you covered his mouth with your hand. "i think i know where this is going." you interrupted.

"really?" mattsun pulled your hand down but kept holding it. "do you really know?"


"are you sure?" mattsun dragged out the last syllable and leaned towards you.

"i'm sure."

"looks like you just lucked out. look where we are." you turned and looked outside to see you guys were already at the mall.

you, mattsun, and makki got out of the car and iwaizumi took the bag of clothes.

"race you inside!" makki announced and started sprinting to the entrance.

"not fair!" mattsun yelled and glanced over at you before the two of you ran after makki.

kentaro and iwaizumi just trailed along behind you guys. makki was obviously the first to get to the entrance with you and then mattsun.

"i'm never running with you guys again." you sat down on a bench and tried to catch your breath.

mattsun and makki were leaning against the wall and doing the same. "we should go shopping!" makki exclaimed.

"with what money?" mattsun asked.

"who said we need money?"

"are you gonna steal?" you gasped, adding extra surprise to be more dramatic.

"we'll see."

"we are not stealing." iwaizumi said when he and kentaro reached you three.

"you don't have to. I'll do it myself." makki said and began walking. "I'm an independent man."

"sure you are." you stood up and followed after him with mattsun trailing behind you like a lost puppy. "can we drop off the clothes first?"

"yeah, let's go." mattsun grabbed makki's collar and dragged him over in the other direction.

when the five of you reached the donation bin you threw the bag in and stepped back. "hope those go into better hands than their owner."

"weren't you the owner?" makki asked in realization.

"the sentence still applies." you shrugged and mattsun looked down at you at those words. "come on makki! let's go shopping!"

you two ran over into a shop and left the other three behind. "what happened to not running?" mattsun shouted.

"sorry! can't hear you!" you shouted back when you actually could. "too far away!"

"she definitely heard me didn't she?" mattsun asked, looking over at mattsun and kentaro.

"yup." kentaro looked around the wall and now regretted his decision on leaving the house.

"where did they go?" mattsun asked and noticed the two weren't in front of them anymore.

"probably found some shop to shoplift from." iwaizumi answered and stuck his hands into his pockets.

"they're not actually going to are they?" mattsun asked and just when he asked an alarm went off. "shit."

"that wasn't us." makki walked out of the opposite store with you next to him. "we were in the other store. you saw us come out of the other store."

"honestly, i thought that alarm was because of you guys." mattsun admitted.

"I'm offended. you really think we would do that?" you asked.


"fuck you." you lightly kicked mattun's leg and he kicked yours back.

"is that an offer?" he asked and your eyes widened, making him mentally slap himself.

"I'm hungry!" makki blurted out when he noticed both your faces. "let's go eat!" he grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

"seriously?" kentaro asked and approached mattsun. "is that an offer?" he mocked and rolled his eyes. "sometimes i question how you're a third year."

"it just slipped out!"

"mhm, sure."

"oh shit." iwaizumi groaned and both guys looked over at him to see that he was looking at you and makki.

you were staring at masaki and oikawa who were sitting on the bench.

and they were kissing.

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