Chapter 27

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Eric's POV

"I am going to kill you!!"
" I will rip out your heart!!"

I screamed as the thunder rumbled
My whole body exuded lightening at the ice wall and it began to break down

"Gia!!!" I screamed more as my lightening intensified and the centre of the ice wall broke down

I quickly ran through the broken ice wall but Gia was no longer there and I had no idea which direction she took from the crossroad

"No, no, Ahhhhh!!!!!" I screamed as I went on my knees
The rumbling of the thunder intensified and clouds went dark, then it suddenly started raining heavily with the rain covering up the tears that ran down my face

Ivan's POV

It suddenly began to rain as I drove to our hideout with Dianna

It was raining so heavily I could barely see where I was driving to so I had to stop the car

"This doesn't seem like an ordinary rain, this is Eric happening" Dianna said

"He probably lost Gia for him to be this angry" I said

"He is not just angry, he's sad and depressed too, he did love Eva and now, she is dead killed by his own twin sister" Dianna said and I nodded

"I guess you and Gia do have that in common now, you two have a knack for killing your brother's lovers and leaving them utterly alone and depressed" I said and Dianna sighed

"I'm sorry Ivan, I know you will never forgive me but I am going to keep apologizing" Dianna said

"Eric should better stand his ass up and let the rain stop, it's suffocating being in this car with someone I want to kill" I said

The rain soon lessened a bit and I started the car and drove to our hideout

I walked in with Dianna and met Layla and Eric seated on the couch and they both stood up immediately we walked in

"I thought you went to kill Dianna, so what the bloody hell is she doing here?" Ethan asked

"Is that....."

"Sophie's younger brother Ethan, he's the current Guardian of The Hell Gates and yes, if you want to work with us to get Gia and your daughter, it is him you have to convince, you killed his sister after all" I said

"Work with us? Why the bloody hell will she be working with us?! She's our enemy, she's supposed to be dead!!" Ethan yelled

"A lot has happened since I went out to kill her Ethan" I said

"Oh no" Layla said as she stared at me

"Why....why is she staring at you like that?" Dianna asked

"That's Layla and she's reading my mind" I said

"I knew it Ivan, I knew it, I told you Gia is not to be trusted, when I couldn't read her mind, I know she had something up her sleeves, she must told her witches cast some kind of mind blocking spell so I couldn't decipher what exactly she was thinking" Layla said

"What are you talking about? Where is Gia?" Ethan asked

"Gia is never coming back here Ethan" I said

"What do you mean by she's never coming back here?" Ethan asked

"She betrayed us" I said "She was never working with us instead she was working with Adrian Hunter against us, they wanted to be the King and Queen of the city so they used us to get all what was needed to conjure the golden dagger, the night you lost consciousness Ethan it wasn't because of your powers, it was due to a spell Gia asked her witches to cast on you so she could take a few drops from the blood we obtained for the spell and now there are two golden daggers, one is with her and the other, the one we made, it's with Eric" I said

"Eric?! Why will our golden dagger be with your immortal brother?!" Ethan asked

"Gia killed Eva, the head of the witches who happens to have occupied a space in Eric's heart and as Gia ran away with Dianna's baby, Eric took the dagger from me and went after Gia and right now, we do not know where either of them is that's why Dianna suggested we work together to get them" I said

"I am all for killing Gia and punishing her for deceiving us all but working with Dianna, never Ivan, not when she kill my sister!!" Ethan yelled


"Do not utter my name with your bloody mouth!!" Ethan yelled at Dianna

"Calm down Ethan, you should know Ivan wants revenge for Sophie's death as much as you do, they've made a deal, one which you will get the revenge you so much want in the end" Layla said

"What..... what deal is that?" Ethan asked

"Obviously, I am the one that's desperate for your help right now as it will take a longer time to find my baby alone and I cannot let Gia harm my baby, so I made a promise to Ivan, if he helps me find my little girl and allow me see her one more time, I won't fight against you anymore, I will let you kill me and have your revenge" Dianna said

"You expect me to believe that, you conniving liar!!" Ethan yelled

"She is not lying Ethan!!" Layla yelled at Ethan
"I can read her mind and she's totally being truthful, she's not deceiving any of you, she just wants her child to be alive and safe even if that means she has to die, she will gladly lay her life for her daughter, that is how strong the love of a mother for her child is" Layla explained

"Please Ethan, Ivan said I have to convince you before he agrees to my deal, I know this will probably make no difference to you as it meant nothing to Ivan too but I am sorry for sacrificing your sister, I made a......"

"Do not mention my sister!!!" Ethan yelled
"You want us to work with you and help you bring back your daughter and in return you lay your life to us? Fine, we'll accept your deal but I still do not trust you and I don't think I ever will so I'll be taking a precaution" Ethan said as he moved closer to Dianna and grabbed her hand

"No Ethan don't!!" Layla said as Ethan began to cast a spell on Dianna and Dianna screamed and fell on the floor

"What did you do Ethan?" I asked

"I just took a little precaution in case she plans on going against her words" Ethan said as Dianna stood back up

A figure began to appear on Dianna's arm and she looked at Ethan
"What did you to me?"

"He put you under a hex, the raging hex" Layla stated

"What?! The raging hex?! Same hex that Aria casted on Eric that made him become a bloodthirsty beast and almost made him go mad?!" Dianna asked

"Don't worry, I made some modification to your hex so you won't be going mad just yet but you will the day you set your eyes on your daughter again so even if you plan on running away after we save your daughter, you will become a bloodthirsty monster that has no control over her powers and you will end up killing your daughter yourself" Ethan said with a smile.......

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