Chapter 14

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Ivan's POV

"Yeah, okay let's assume something bad happened and I died, then years later you saw someone who looks exactly like me, how will you react?" Sophie asked

"You aren't dying" I said

"Yeah I know but assuming I did and....."

"You aren't dying cause I'm always here to protect you and that's it, stop assuming stuff that isn't possible!" I said and she smiled

"See? I haven't really died, I'm just telling you to imagine and you are so hyped up, imagine how Gia must feel, she mourned her boyfriend for centuries and now it's like he's back in front of her again even though he really isn't, so don't blame her or get angry Ivan, Gia isn't thinking with her head right now, she's thinking with her heart" Sophie said

"I don't really care, I still believe she's being foolish" I said

"Well I hope you don't become as foolish as her if something happens to me" Sophie said

"Why the bloody hell do you keep saying that?!"

"Because unlike you Ivan Hammington, I am no immortal, I am human Ivan, I can get hurt and not magically heal up and I can die without ever waking up again" Sophie said


I opened my eyes to see Gia's face hovering over me and I sat up

"You were out for longer than I expected" she said

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked

"Oh not too long, just about thirty minutes" Gia said as she glanced at her watch "Dianna pulled out your heart and though it grew back in seconds, you didn't wake up, Layla said you slipped into a sleeping trance or something but you'll be awake soon and she was right"

I stared at Gia and I sighed
"I was having a dream" I said

"Really? Tell me about the dream" Gia said

"What about Dianna?" I asked ignoring her request

"Don't worry, when she pulled your heart out, she kind of gave you a push and you landed on the floor outside the boundary circle and we were able to contain her, Layla has constructed the tracking map you requested and we decided to wait for you to wake up before giving her the injection that stops her beating heart"

"I'm awake now so let's get on with it" I said as I stood up but Gia pulled me down

"You aren't going anywhere till you tell me about the dream you had, I'm really curious, was it a good dream? Please tell me it was a good dream" Gia said and I chuckled
She might have somewhat changed but she still remains my little sister

"I guess I should call it a good dream since I got to see her face again" I said and Gia smiled

"Did Sophie look happy in the dream?" she asked

"Well it was more like a replay of the memories I had with her, in this memory, we were seated at the bar she works talking about you"

"What?! Talking about me? I never pictured you two to be the gossiping couple" Gia said

"I wouldn't really call it gossiping, remember the first time the head of the humans, what was his name again?.... yeah, Adrian Hunter, the first he came to our Mansion with his men to drive us out of the city and I was so angry that I really wanted his throat but you wouldn't let anyone hurt him so I barged out of the house angrily and I went to meet Sophie, that was how we spoke about you" I explained and Gia nodded

"I'm surprised though, we didn't cause as much damage as these demons are causing to the city now and he was raging, I expected him to be up and about cause of the demons destroying the city and killing the people but I haven't really heard a word about him since I returned to Arcane City or have you?" I asked and she shook her head

", not.....not really" she stuttered and Layla suddenly peeped in through the door

"Since you are awake, you should come and let's finish this now, the sooner we get this done, the less burdened we'll be" Layla said and I nodded and stood up

"Shall we?" I asked but she was still seated with a blank expression

"Is something wrong Gia?" I asked

"What? No nothing brother, I'm.... I'm fine, let's go" she said standing up and we walked to the living room together

"Here" Layla handed my the syringe filled with the liquid injection

"I'll bring down the boundary, and immediately you give her the injection and her heart stops beating, Ethan and I will carry out the spell to expell the potentes out, immediately the potentes is coming out, I don't know how you are going to do it but just get ready to kill it Gia" Layla said

"Don't worry, I got this" Gia said

"You ready Ivan?" Layla asked and I nodded

"Now!!" she yelled and possessed Dianna seemed to notice what was going as she immediately ran towards me and tried to snatch the syringe off my hand but I was quick enough to grab her hand and plunge the needle into her arms and she slumped on the floor

"Now Ethan!" Layla said and they immediately began to chant their spells and soon a dark smoky figure slowly began to come out of Dianna's body

"You ready Gia?" I asked

"You bet I am" she said as her hands and eyes began to emit an icy blue light that shot straight to demon emerging from Dianna's body
There was a loud screeching sound and immediately the demon completely emerged out of Dianna's body, it dissipated into the thin air

"That went pretty well" Gia smiled

"You did great, you all did great" I commended

"So? What's next?" Ethan asked and I moved towards Dianna's body

"She can't be here when she wakes else she'll know what our hideout looks like, I'll take her out" I said as I lifted her up

It was obvious Ethan wanted to protest but he decided against it

I carried Dianna to the car and drove us back to the Hammington Mansion
Then I had to wait some few more minutes before she finally woke up

"What.....what happened?" she asked as she sat up
"I remember fighting with you and then some demons flew and.....and what happened after that?"

"You were possessed, by a potentes to be precise" I said

"What?!!" Dianna exclaimed

"Though you are free now, I found a way to expell the demon out of your body and it wasn't particularly easy but you are good" I said and she looked at me with surprise written all over her face

"You hate me now so why would you help me?" she asked

"If you have any idea of what I have in store for you Dianna, you wouldn't call what I did 'help" I said "Did you expect me to let you be peacefully possessed by a potentes forever? Of course not Dianna, that is too merciful of a punishment for you so now you will return back to the place you now call home having it in mind that the only reason you there with your baby and not still possessed by a potentes is because I freed you and let you go, and if I freed and let you go, I'm sure you know I can as well get you and your baby with ease when I want to, the only reason I don't have your baby's blood yet is not because I can't get Dianna, it is because it is not yet time, when the time comes, you will see how easily I can get to your baby even with all the protections and spells Eva has set up round the mansion" I said and I stood up

"I'll see you soon Dianna but until then live each day knowing you and your baby are at my mercy and I can come for you whenever I want" I said and beaming a smile at her before walking out.

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