Chapter 20

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Ivan's POV

"Ethan!!" I yelled as I ran to where he laid unconscious

Layla and Gia quickly came out of their rooms and ran to where I am with Ethan

"What happened to him?" Gia asked

"I have no idea" I replied

"Put him on the couch let me examine him" Layla said and I carried Ethan up, placing him on the couch

Layla ran her hand above him chanting a spell and then she sighed

"What's wrong with him?" I asked

"I have always told him to rest and not to act like the burden of the whole world is on his shoulders but he never listen, he's just a child that went through a traumatic experience and suddenly got these very powerful abilities, he has been stressing himself and using his powers alot and his weak body couldn't contain that amount of stress so his body failed him" Layla said

"So? Is he going to wake up?" I asked

"He will wake up after a few hours of rest but that won't make any difference if he wakes up and continues to stress his body again" Layla stated

"He'll be fine, Ethan is a strong boy" Gia said and Layla looked at her

"You have no idea how dangerous this is do you? When a witch is growing up, she's not only training to expand her powers but she's also training her mind and body to accommodate those powers, in a case where the body is too weak to accommodate the powers one possesses, the body will begin to fail the witch, it begins collapsing like this and if things continue like this, he could have concussions, seizures, his heart could even stop beating and he will die" Layla said

"Nothing of that sort will happen Layla, Ethan is not going to die, I won't let that happen" I said

"Neither will I, but I was just explaining to Gia here so she will understand the gravity of the situation at hand" Layla said

"I get it Layla but all I can deduce from your words is that Ethan should reduce how often he uses his powers right?" Gia asked

"Yes that is one of the precautions we shall be taking" Layla nodded

"If he doesn't use his powers, how will we ever complete the immortal killing spell?!" Gia asked

"What?! Is that all you are seriously concerned about after all I just told you that Ethan could die?!!"

"Of course I'm concerned about Ethan's wellbeing, I was just curious about the spell, stop making me seem like a heartless person Layla!" Gia protested

"Will you guys just stop!!!" I yelled
"How can you guys be having an argument when Ethan is unconscious, it's.... it's my fault, I caused it, I never should have allowed him to continue using his powers, Sophie left me a simple task of taking care of her brother and I even failed at that, I wasn't able to protect Sophie, I am not able to protect Ethan too, I am disgusted of myself"

"Come on Ivan, what are you saying, you've been trying your best" Gia said

"Well my best is not enough!!!" I yelled "It never is"

Gia stood up and held my hand
"I know you are frustrated Ivan, we all are but you are stronger than this, you are stronger than us all so keep it together okay? I'm sure we can get through this together" Gia said and I looked at her for a moment and then pulled her into an embrace

"I hope you are right Gia, I hope we'll be able to get through this together" I said and I let her go
"I'm sorry for acting all cheesy and emotional, that's not like me" I said

"It's okay, we all get emotional once in a while and we need a shoulder to put our head on" Gia said and Layla looked at me and smiled

I motioned to her to come meet me in my room and I walked off

I paced round my room and Layla suddenly opened the door and walked in

"Ooh you are still so smart aren't you?" she smiled

"You knew what I did? Oh I keep forgetting that you can read minds" I said

"Of course I read your mind, but honestly, when you suddenly began to act all emotional, I was surprised and then I looked into your eyes and I realized that smart brain of yours had developed some little plan to get Gia's hair, so you got it right?" she asked

"I pulled a few strands when I embraced her" I said as I handed the strands of hair to Layla

"Good, I'll conjure a tracking map of her for you soon" Layla said and I nodded

"I should go back to meet Gia in the living room now before she starts to get suspicious, we can't risk that can we?" she said

"Go on" I said and she left my room

"I really hope I am mistaking Gia, you didn't go against me and plan something behind my back did you? Please prove me wrong Gia, please" I said as I sat on the bed

Eva's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Eric's worried face staring right at me

"Are you finally awake now?" he asked as relief washed over his face

"How long was I out for?" I asked

"It's been more than 24 hours" Eric replied and I sighed
I tried to sit up and Eric helped me sit up on the bed

"I was so scared Eva, you scared the hell out of me" Eric said and I scoffed

"Why would the legendary Eric suddenly be scared?" I asked

"I was scared because I thought you were never going to wake up" Eric stated

"Why would me never waking up scare you?" I asked and he looked at me surprised

"Are you seriously asking me that?" he said and I nodded

"I'm asking because I do not know so tell me"

"Obviously because I am scared of loosing you, you're the only thing keeping me sane in this crazy world, you are the one that makes me fight those demons with a great zeal because I want to not make you worry and return back safely to see your happy face, you are important to me Eva Jones, you being alive is important to me because if you die, you'll be taking my sanity with you so better take care of yourself and do not ditch me" Eric said and I smiled

"Was that your version of a love confession?" I asked

"Call it whatever, you must be hungry, let me get you some food" he said and he walked out

I smiled as I watched him go but a tear unconsciously rolled down my face
Isn't he so cute? How am I supposed to tell him that I am slowly dying and I just had a vision of a hand ripping my heart out when he's acting so cute?.......

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