Chapter 15

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Eric's POV

I walked around the street of Arcane City, looking everywhere I could but I still couldn't find Dianna
Did I make a mistake by leaving Gia without her telling me where Dianna is?
But I had no choice, I couldn't stand her presence, she has changed into this weakling that I no longer recognize as my sister

My phone suddenly rang and I picked it up

"I continued trying the locator spell on Dianna and it finally worked, it shows around the Hammingtons Mansion" Eva said

"What? Are you sure? That was the first place I checked out and there was no one, the place was pretty much empty" I said

"Well the locator spell is saying she's around the vicinity now so check out The place again" Eva said

"Fine, I'll go check it out" I said and ended the call

I turned back and walked in the direction of the Mansion
And then I saw Dianna walking out and I ran towards her

"Dianna?! Are you okay?" I asked but she ignored and continued to just walk

"Are you really okay? I was told you were possessed by a potentes so...." she suddenly stopped and looked at me

"Who told you that?" she asked

"I..... I met with Gia" I said and she nodded

"I'm fine" she said and continued to walk

"Are you sure Dianna? You don't look....."

"I said I am fine!!!" she suddenly yelled
"I'm..... I'm sorry Eric but just leave me be" she said moving forward and away from me so I just walked behind her, maintaining my distance till we got back to the Mansion

"Dianna what the hell happened?! We....." Eva stopped talking on seeing me signal her to stop and Dianna climbed upstairs to her room silently

"What happened to her?" Eva asked

"She was possessed by a potentes" I said

"What?!!" she exclaimed

"It seems she's free of it now" I said

"Are you sure?" Eva asked "It is really hard to cast out a potentes especially one that possessed an immortal so how did she suddenly become free of the potentes?"

I wondered too, how did Dianna become free of the potentes, or is she still possessed

"One minute" I said I climb up the stairs to Dianna's room

"Hey" I said as I slowly walked into her holding her baby and staring the street from her window

"Ummm Dianna.... I......"

"I am no longer possessed by the potentes Eric, you need not to worry" she said and I sighed

"That's a relief" I uttered and then looked at her
"How did you expel the demon from your body?" I asked and she was silent for a moment

"Ivan, Ivan helped me to get the demon out" she said

"What?! But he hates you!" I said and she nodded

"That was exactly what I said too but he said he saved me because being possessed by potentes is too merciful of a punishment for me, apparently he has some big thing in store for me and he wants mr to experience that without being possessed" Dianna said and I could sense the pain and fear from her voice


"When did we get to this crossroad Eric? It seems like yesterday when we were fighting life and death for each other, how did we drift so far apart?" she asked

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