Chapter 16

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Dianna's POV


"Hey Dianna" he smiled

" am I here? Am I dead?" I asked and he chuckled

"I don't think you are yet" he said

"Then how am I here? And with you, are dead" I said and he nodded

"What are you doing before you ended up here?" Owen asked

"I was..... I was just having an ummm.... a discussion, I was just having a discussion with my baby girl..... I mean, our baby girl" I said and Owen nodded

"You were sad" he said

"What?! Definitely not" I said

"You were and your baby girl wanted to make you feel better so she brought your subconscious mind to meet me" Owen explained

"What? How is that even possible, even if it is, she's just 7 months old and this would've definitely required a very complex spell that a seven month old can't carry out" I said and Owen smiled

"It seems you are forgetting how special she is, she's an innate one Dianna, she needs no spells to carry out whatever it is she wants to do, she only needs to think it and it happens" Owen said

"Oh so she really did bring me here cause I was really sad, she brought me here to make me feel better"

"I thought you sad you weren't sad" Owen reminded

"What? Did....did I say otherwise?" I asked and Owen chuckled

"What happened to you? You do look very much worn out" Owen uttered

"I'm fine, I really am" I said

"Dianna" he called and I sighed, how I've so much missed hearing his voice

"Stuffs happened and ummm.... I am not really in the same page with all of my siblings right now, we are currently in this huge fight where we are trying to kill each other, things are just pretty messed up" I said

"And you blame yourself for everything?" he asked

"It is pretty much my fault actually, I.... I messed up and I really hurt Ivan" I said and Owen smiled

"I don't think I've said anything funny" I said

"You just.... you've changed so much, the Dianna Hammington that I knew never admits she's wrong but you just did that" Owen said

"You know Bella might have brought me here to you so you could comfort me but I think she pretty much made the wrong choice" I said

"Is that her name? Bella?" Owen asked

"What? Oh yeah, Bellatrix Hammington, that is her name" I said

"Bellatrix, latin for female warrior and the star on the left shoulder of the Orion Constellation, it's an amazing name" Owen smiled and I nodded

"You should know Dianna, even though I grew up hating your family, those last few days I spent at your Mansion, though it wasn't my best days since I was literally bleeding out, I admired you guys, I witnessed firsthand how you all fought for each other and it was really admirable, I understand that things are really rough for you all now but you will scale through this too Dianna Hammington, for I have never seen one as strong and brave as you are" Owen said and tears began to well up in my eyes

"Ahhh what is wrong with my eyes these days" I said as the tears rolled down my face and Owen smiled

"I'm.... I'm sorry you had to die like that, I'm sorry you didn't get to see your baby girl's face, I'm sorry you had to die before you even got the chance of being a father, I'm sorry you had to live such a tough life and I'm sorry I even made things harder for you, I'm sorry Owen, I am so sorry" I said as the tears began to role out uncontrollably and Owen smiled

Then I suddenly noticed everywhere was beginning to fade out and I was slowly being back

"What is happening?!"

"Bellatrix, she's falling asleep so she can't hold out the spell for much longer" Owen said

"Oh no" I was kind of disappointed, I didn't want to leave Owen just yet

"I told you before right? Our baby girl, she's the only one that can save you all" I heard Owen say but his voice sounded so distant and in a twinkle twinkle of an eye, I was back in my bedroom, bedside Bella's crib, and my baby girl had really fallen asleep

"Thank you for taking me to meet your Dad sweetheart, you really did make me feel better" I said as I placed a light kiss on her forehead

It was nice seeing you Owen and I really missed you a lot, I should have told you that, I really do miss you a lot

Ivan's POV

I drove back to the house and I met Gia and Ethan in the living room
"Where's Layla?" I asked

"Old woman's sleeping already" Gia said and I nodded

"So you've let Dianna go?" Ethan asked

"Of course he has, this map is showing Dianna is back at Eva's Mansion" Gia said and I collected the map from her

"What exactly is your plan Ivan? Because I do not understand a tad of what you are doing and I certainly I'm not going to allow you ruin my hard work" she said

"Your hard work?" I asked

"Well I broke into Eva's Mansion and stole the immortal killing spell so if that spell is just sitting in the shelf and we aren't making use of it, don't you think my efforts got wasted then?" Gia asked

"I am tired Gia, we'll talk tomorrow" I said and I made to leave but she held me back

"I need to hear your plan right now" She said and I looked at her

"You've gotten really brave Gia Hammington" I said and she let go of my hand
"Is there any reason you are so keen on hearing what my plan is?" I asked

"I just want to know what is going on, the plan is to kill Dianna but I don't really see you working towards that" she said

"Your plan is just to kill Dianna, that is not my plan" I said and she looked at me surprised

"What is your plan then? Make peace with her?" Gia asked and I chuckled

"Oh I assure you Gia, we are past making peace, you want to just kill her, I want to scare her first, make her live in fear anticipating how and when I will come for her, then I am going to torture her by slowly killing everyone she cares about and whenever I feel like she's suffered enough and I feel merciful, I'll kill her off, is that good of a plan for you?" I asked and Gia kept quiet

"Anyway you should be ready, either Dianna brings her child out or her child remains in, we'll be getting the baby's blood tomorrow" I added and walked off to my room.....

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