Chapter 6

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Ivan's POV

"Dianna's baby is at Eva's Mansion and I can assure you the place is well protected but if we broke in unnoticed once, I'm sure we can break in again" Gia said

"Why are we already talking about breaking in when we just arrived today, don't we at least get a day's rest?" Layla asked

"If you are too tired you can take a rest, you are old after all but do not interrupt us if you have nothing meaningful to contribute please" Ethan said and Layla scoffed

"Has anyone told you how rude you are boy?" Layla said

"Not really, you are the first one, anyway" Ethan looked away from Layla "After the last break-in, Eva has reinforced the spells around the house and she increased the house protection, it will be much harder to get in now than it was before"

"It will be much harder? It's was pretty hard before, if it is much harder to get in now then it is impossible" Gia said

"If we can't go in to meet the child, then we might as well make them bring the child out to us" I said

"How do we do that? That Mansion is the only safe place for Dianna's baby and she won't bring her out for anything" Gia said

"She will if she thinks the Mansion is no longer safe for her child, paranoia runs the family you know" I said and then looked at Ethan
"Do we know anything about the new spells put up to protect the Mansion?" I asked

"No, we know nothing at all, I've been trying to find out with my spells but it isn't working, Eva is blocking me out, she knows someone is casting a spell on her Mansion so she's prepared" Ethan said

"Eva, she still remains smart but anyway if we can't find anything with your spells then I guess we'll have to find out in person" I said

"Okay I don't understand, if the plan is to make Dianna bring the child out of the Mansion that means we would no longer need to break into the Mansion so why do we still need to figure out the spells protecting the house?" Gia asked

"Well we can't put all our eggs in a basket right? We should have more than one plan to be guaranteed of success, just follow my lead Gia and prepare, we'll be going towards their Mansion tomorrow" I said and then looked around the house
"Do I have a room?" I asked

"There" Ethan pointed at door behind the living room and I mustered up a smile
"Have a good night sleep" I said and walked to my new room

It's a nice and arranged room, the light in the room wasn't working and it only has a small window so it was pretty dark but I loved it, I am drawn to dark places after all

"Already asleep?" I heard Layla's voice as she knocked on the door

"You can come in" I said and she opened the door and walked in

"Why the hell is this place so dark? I can barely see anything" Layla said as she walked towards me
"I guess I should be thankful that the room they gave me isn't as dark as this one" she said

"What is it Layla?" I asked and she sat on the bed beside me

"Everyone has retired back to their room, but I just saw Gia sneak out of the house" she said


"I still don't fully trust her Ivan, though I could hear some of her thoughts but I can't go indebt into her mind to see what is there, she's somehow blocking me from reading her deep thoughts, I don't know how she's doing that and I most certainly do not trust her" Layla said

"She must have her reasons for blocking you out, not everyone likes their mind to be read" I said

"I knew you won't take whatever I say seriously" she said

"You should go to bed Layla, it's getting late"

"Fine, I guess I should" she said and stood up
"But before I go, are you really going to proceed with the plan? Make Dianna bring her child out of the Mansion and get her child's blood?"

"Of course" I said

"And what if the baby gets hurt in the process?" she asked

"Then it is inevitable" I said and she was silent for a moment

"Wow, you really mean what you just said, I didn't even feel a tad of uncertainty in you, it's really surprising Ivan, you absolutely do not care if the baby gets hurt, the baby I remember you fighting so hard to protect and making sure she gets to this world safely" Layla said

"Yes and you know exactly what I got in return for giving such devotion to Dianna and her baby, you know what they paid me back with!!" I sighed
"Good night Layla, I do not want to talk about this no more" I said as I laid on the bed and I heard her walk out of the room

Dianna's POV

Bella had refused to go back to sleep so I placed her in the midst of her toys and they were doing a very good job at distracting her and stopping her from crying
I stood by the window and stared at the view of the City
The usually busy Arcane street was empty, you could barely see anyone walking about, everyone is scared, everyone is hiding in their abode, no one wants to die at the hands of the demons
I turned back and looked at my baby girl who was busy with her toys
Is this the kind of world I'll have to raise you in? This was not the plan, you were to be raised in a peaceful environment, receiving love from all of your uncles and aunt but life doesn't usually go the way we plan does it?
We had promised to stick together and make the world a better place for my baby girl to live in but here we are now, at a crossroad, divided and against each other

I went to sit with my baby girl on the floor she made some excited noise on seeing me and I smiled, I still remember your father's last words very vividly

......"Our baby girl...... she is..... she's the only one......she can you all"......

"Just like Owen said, I hope you'll really grow up to be a powerful lady, powerful enough of saving your family and bringing us back together but until then, it is my responsibility that you remain safe and that you do not get hurt so I will protect you no matter what Bellatrix Hammington, I promise"......

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