chapter 4

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Diana's POV

The early morning sun had started coming out and I left the Mansion with Eric to pay a peaceful visit to Adrian Hunter though the "peaceful visit" doesn't mean I won't break a bone or two if I need to, it just means I will try my very best not to rip out his heart

"You think this is a pointless visit don't you?" Eric asked

"You know it is, Adrian didn't steal the immortal killing spell, he has no power to do that, he is just a human in case you need reminding" I said

"So you really think it's Ivan?" Eric enquired

"I know it's Ivan, he promised to kill me Eric and we both know Ivan doesn't bluff, he makes a promise, he fulfills it"

"What about Gia then?" Eric asked

"What about her? Did you see her recently?" I asked

"No Dianna, none of us has seen her in 6 months so what makes you think she's not the one that stole the immortal killing spell?" Eric pointed out

"No, it can't be Gia, no matter how beastly we all are, she isn't that kind of person who would want to kill her siblings, you know that, you are her twin after all" I said

"I am saying this because I am her twin and I know her better than anyone, she should be suspected too, if she isn't up to something why hasn't she come back to us since that day?" Eric asked

"Come on Eric, it's Gia we are talking about here, she's probably somewhere far away from Arcane City having fun and living a peaceful life, she'll come back to us whenever she's tired of her silent peaceful life so......"

"Watch out!!!" Eric yelled and he suddenly pulled me down and a dark figure flew above me

"It's a demon, you'll have been paralyzed for at least a day or two of it passed through you and that's only because you are immortal" Eric said

"It's coming back" I said as the black smoky figure flew back towards us and I stood up

"What are you doing Dianna, they can be dangerous!" Eric said

"Dangerous as it might be, I'm about to send that smoky thing back to the pit it came out from" I said as my whole body lighted up in flames

The demon flew towards it and I caught it's throat with my flaming hand
There was a loud shriek from the demon and then it dissipated into the thin air

"That wasn't hard" I smiled

"Only because you haven't seen the one's that are really powerful, the one you just killed can be a foot soldier but you see those really powerful ones, they can't be dealt with so easily, Eva calls those types potentes, latin for the powerful ones"

"Well I'm certainly looking forward to meeting one of the potentes but for now, we'll be meeting Adrian Hunter" I said

"His Mansion isn't too far from here" Eric said and we walked on

Ivan's POV
" Ivan, will you join us and avenge Sophie's death?" Gia asked

"You lost me at the point you said Ethan is the Guardian of The Hell Gates and you are using the little boy's powers to help you in whatever you are doing!!"

"In whatever I'm doing? What I'm doing is trying to avenge the death of the woman you claimed to so much love and Ethan is a little boy no longer, he's matured and I ain't forcing him to do anything, his sister died unjustly Ivan and unlike you, he's actually trying to avenge his sister's death and not just mourning and wallowing in self pity!" Gia stated

"I will get my revenge at my own time Gia, I swore I will kill Dianna and I will do it on my own timing, I told you to take care of Ethan and not to fill his head with some bloody revenge ideas!!!" I yelled


"And why are so hooked up with avenging Sophie's death? What the bloody hell are you planning Gia?!" I asked

"I..... Sophie was my friend, you might have forgotten Ivan but I was pretty close with her too, she was the only friend I had in a long time but since you have suddenly transformed into a coward that's afraid of doing what is right, then I guess I made the wrong the decision coming here for this is not the Ivan I came to see, the Ivan I came to see would jump at the opportunity of avenging Sophie's death or have you forgotten Ivan? Have you forgotten how Dianna pushed helpless Sophie inside the Hell Gates and Eva and Eric did nothing but just stood and watch?!"

"How can I ever forget? I am still trapped in that day" I said

"Well stop being trapped and break free from your damn cage Ivan, we need the old Ivan back" Gia said

"You two are threading the wrong way now" Layla said

"The wrong way? How is that?" Gia asked

"The boy, the current Guardian of the Hell Gates, you did help him train and you helped him master his powers and he's so powerful right now but he's still but only a child and by training him and making him use his powers, you were killing his innocence and slowly turning him into a beast just like yourself, you knew this, you knew you were snatching away his childhood and innocence yet you allowed him to keep using his powers and helped him with it! You shouldn't listen to her Ivan, I told you she's changed, when I look into her eyes, darkness is all I see" Layla said and Gia scoffed

"Same way you just spelt out what I and Ethan is going through, why don't you spell out what Sophie is going through too" Gia said

"What do you mean by that? Sophie is dead now so what the bloody hell is she still going through?!" I asked

"When someone dies it is said it is just silence aftermath but not when you are pushed into the Hell Gates, those that are within the hell gates don't have a peaceful afterlife because they are in hell, it's a constant cycle of suffering for poor Sophie even after her death!!" Gia stated

"But there's nothing we can do about that, Sophie is dead and nothing you do today will change that, so stop sacrificing that poor boy's innocence and just come to terms with it" Layla said

"Come to terms with it? No Layla, not when those that condemned her to a life of eternal suffering is still breathing and living happily" Gia said

"Maybe you've forgotten but those that condemned her to that life are your siblings, your sister and your twin brother, will you be able to forgo all familial relations just to avenge someone that can never be brought back?" Layla asked

"Enough!!!" I yelled and faced Layla
"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me that Sophie was suffering even after her death?!"

"Even if you knew, there was nothing anyone could do about it so I didn't think it was necessary for you to know" Layla said

"That wasn't your decision to make!!!" I yelled

"Am sorry Ivan, I was just....."

"She was only an innocent lady Layla, her only crime was loving me with her whole heart and she died a horrifying death for that, was that not enough? Why must she suffer in the pits of hell even after her death?!!" I yelled


"I am going with Gia, this can be postponed no longer, those that brought this horrible fate upon Sophie, they must not be allowed to lead a happy life, whoever they are" I said

"Then I'll come with you" Layla said

"What? I thought you were like always the weird witch that'll rather stay in the jungle alone" Gia said

"You will need me, you all are hellbent on revenge, you'll need at least one rational person in your team to win this fight" Layla said

"Do whatever you want Layla as long as you do not stop me from ripping out Dianna's heart, I do not care" I said

"Let's go then, we have work to do" Gia smiled......

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