Chapter 10

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Gia's POV

I opened my eyes to see Layla staring at me with a smile plastered on her face

"What the bloody hell happened? And where is Ivan?" I asked as I sat up

"He left and he said to tell you that he's sorry but he works better alone" Layla said and I stood up

"What?! I must go meet them" I said but Layla grabbed my arm

"Why are you so keen on going to meet them, Ivan said he'll handle Dianna alone so you should let him" she said

"You do not know my brother more than I do Layla, as much as everyone sees him to be this wild beast, he cares alot about those he calls family, when it comes to family the beastly Ivan Hammington is softhearted, that's why I have to be there to prevent Dianna from brainwashing him and to remind him of why we are doing this" I said and Layla looked at me puzzled

"You are afraid" she said "But I don't understand, why are you afraid of Ivan giving up on this revenge? Why are you so hellbent on getting revenge for Sophie and killing your own siblings? What's in it for you Gia?"

"Think whatever you want Layla, I'm out" I said as I jerked her hand off and walked out

Ivan's POV
"I do not want to fight you but you are living me no choice Ivan" Dianna said

"I don't mind fighting you Dianna, come on, let's see if you still have that fiery beast within you" I said and Dianna clenched her fist and her whole body began to exude flames

"Well come on Ivan Hammington, what are you waiting for?" she said and I smiled and removed both my gloves revealing both my flaming and lightening hand

We ran towards each other and Dianna immediately grabbed my throat with her flaming hand and I punched her in the stomach with my hand exuding lightening and she was sent sprawling on the floor

"You've lost your touch Dianna, where is the powerful fiery beast I used to know?" I asked as she stood back up

"I was just warming up Ivan and since you've prove to have no emotional sentiment left towards your family, I won't be going easy on you too" Dianna said as she walked towards me

Eva's POV

I walked upstairs to Dianna's room and I met Bella asleep and Eric staring through the window that overlooked the street of Arcane City

"The City isn't what it used to be again huh?" I asked and he turned back and looked at me

"Well I remember it to be such a booming City with the streets full of people going about their own business but now it's just empty street where you barely see anyone" Eric said.

"And it's going to remain this way, until we've killed each and everyone of those demons" I said and Eric nodded

"Is something wrong?" I asked


"You look like something's on your mind" I said

"Well no, I am..... I am just worried about Dianna" he said

"Do you know what it means to channel someone Eric? It means I'll be connecting to you to use you as a power source to drive my spell and for that to happen, there should be no kind of barriers between us including memory barrier, what I mean is when I channelled you this morning, I saw a glimpse of your memory, I saw the moment you saw Gia this morning and I could sense the worry coming from you when I saw that memory, what is it Eric? Do you still have a really soft spot in you for Gia? Do you think she's going to be posing a threat to you?" I asked

"No Eva you got it wrong, I am worried but not worried about myself or whatever kind of emotions I harbour for Gia, I am worried about Gia herself, I feel she's not the Gia I used to know, I feel she's changed" Eric uttered

"Of course she's changed Eric, she's against us and wants to kill us, she's with Ivan and anyone with Ivan is our enemy!" I reminded

"You all think the main character in this fight is Ivan but I do not think so" Eric said

"What do you mean?"

"The demons roaming around, the empty and dark street of the City and even Gia's appearance, her new short hair and the Viper tattoo on her shoulder, all this situation, they look all too familiar Eva, everything happening now shares a lot of similarities with what happened when I was in Gia's death slumber, only difference is I am not dead yet because I according to the death slumber, Gia killed me, along with Dianna's baby" Eric said

"So you think Gia is really living her worst nightmare right now?" I asked

"I don't think so Eva I know so"

"Well I think you are wrong Eric, I don't think Gia is living her worst nightmare because no one is forcing her to do anything, if she was uncomfortable being with Ivan and against her family then she could have easily switched over and come to you guys" I said

"Even in her nightmare Eva, Gia was a fighter, one that kills people mercilessly not because she enjoys it but because she had put herself at the mercy of Micheal, the one who controls her" Eric stated

"So you think just like in her nightmare, someone in the shadows is pulling her strings and making her do the things she's doing?"

"I really hope not but that is what I suspect Eva" Eric said

Ivan's POV

Dianna and I stood back up from the ground and we were both really angry, we were just wearing each other out because none of us could win the other
She had made a big slash on my arm with her danger and I had broken her arm bone, then I broke the wood of a chair and plunged it into heart but she managed to remove it, plunging it back into my stomach
But neither of that stopped us, we were both going to heal anyway

"Don't tell me you already are tired" I said

"Not even in your dreams" she said and I suddenly saw two black smoky figures fly into the Mansion and towards Dianna

"Out of the way!!" I yelled as I caught one of the demons with my fiery hand and their was a loud shriek as the demon dissipated and by the time I was done with the first demon, the second had entered Dianna's body and she fell on the floor unconscious
It was then I knew, the second demon wasn't as weak as the first one I just killed, the second demon was a potentes, a powerful demon capable of possession, Dianna has been possessed......

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