Chapter 22

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Eva's POV

Eric and I sat in the living room waiting for Dianna to come down from her room

"This is wrong, I should stop her from leaving" Eric said as he made to climb up the stairs but I held him back

"I think you should respect Dianna's decision Eric, perhaps, I think she made a good decision" I said

"Taking that little baby and being on the run from Ivan is her making a good decision?" Eric asked

"Don't get me wrong Eric but if she goes out of Arcane City, Ivan won't know where she is will he? He won't even know that Dianna left along with Bella and we can keep that illusion up giving Dianna time to get as far away from this place as she can and Ivan will never be able to find her, she'll be free of Ivan and also of the demons in this City" I said and Eric sighed

"I guess you are right" he said

Dianna walked down the stairs with her baby and a small luggage

"I'll be taking one of the cars" Dianna said and I nodded

"Is it okay to go alone? You sure you don't want me to come with you? You'll need me Dianna" Eric said

"Come on Eric, you know very well I am capable of taking care of myself and Bella, and you, you should stay here and be happy, I lost Owen, Gia lost Micheal, Ivan lost Sophie, at least one Hammington sibling should have a happy ending with the one they love, you have Eva by your side now and I am not about to snatch that from you" Dianna said

"Here" I said as I handed Dianna a book and a pen

"What is this? You want me to do some reading while I'm on the run?" Dianna asked and I scoffed

"As if you'll really do that if I asked, the book is filled with blank pages same as this one" I said as I held up the other pair of the book
"We call it a journey book, long ago before the invention of phones, witches used it to communicate with people at home when they are on a journey, you just need to write a message on that book and it will appear on this pair with us and we'll be able to reply you too so do make sure to write us message" I said and Dianna smiled

"Of course" she said

"Let me hold Bella for a minute" Eric said and Dianna handed Bella to him

"Oh baby girl, uncle will miss you a lot, but I promise this isn't the last time you'll be seeing me, we'll definitely meet again Bellatrix Hammington" Eric said and he placed kiss on Bella's forehead and she giggled

"I think she's saying, until we meet again uncle" Dianna said and we laughed

Eric handed the baby back to Dianna and she was ready to go

"Be careful sister, the demons are usually out and about at night" Eric said

"Of course, don't worry, we'll be fine" Dianna said

"And as much as you are going to take care of Bella, take care of yourself too" Eric said and Dianna nodded

"You take care of Eva too, you are lucky to have her by your side" Dianna said and Eric smiled

We accompanied Dianna to the car and packed her luggage into the car boot
She placed Bella safely on the backseat and she sat on the driver's seat

"Good bye Eva Jones, thank you for everything you've done for me" she said and I beamed a smile at her

"Do make sure you write to us" I said and she nodded

"Untill we meet again brother" she said to Eric

"Until we meet again" Eric said and she drove off...

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