Chapter 2

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Dianna's POV

"What?! Who would dig out Aria's grave to get her body?" I asked surprised.

"I think the pressing question here is why? Why would anyone do that?" Eric asked and Eva went to sit on the couch.

"Do you know what is going on?" I asked Eva.

"I have my suspicions but if it is really what I suspect then war isn't far away from us" Eva said.

"War isn't far away from us? We are already at war with these demons free all over the city killing anything and everything they meet" Eric said.

"Well I'm saying if what am suspecting is what really happened, it's gonna get worse than this Eric, it's gonna get much worse than this and none of us will be safe" Eva said

"What is it that you suspect? Why would anyone go to Guardian's Cemetery and dig up Aria's decaying body?" I asked.

"Aria was your enemy, the Hammingtons family's enemy, what do you think her body will be used for?" Eva asked.

"I don't understand" Eric said.

"The immortal killing spell, one of the requirements for making it is the ashes of your enemy, and Aria is the best choice for that" Eva stated.

"If that is it then we have no need to worry, do we? When Aria died, I gave Eric the spell and told him to destroy it so even with the ashes of our enemy, no one can conjure a weapon strong enough to kill us without the spell right?" I asked but Eric and Eva were quiet.

"Right Eva?" I asked again and she glanced at Eric.
"Is there something you guys aren't telling me?"

"Ummm..... Dianna, there is something you should know" Eric said and I looked at him.

"What did you do?" I asked

"When you gave me the spell to destroy, I did destroy one but I kept one with me" Eric said.

"Why the bloody hell will you keep such a thing with you?!!" I yelled.

"Because I felt it would be a waste to just destroy everything Dianna, we are immortals, we've lived such a long life, don't you think that spell will come in handy when we are finally tired of living and just wants to go?" Eric asked.

"What in the Hammington name are you talking about Eric? I gave you that spell to destroy it because I knew it could be a potential harm to our family in the future and yet you disobeyed me! And what's your excuse? You kept it because you feel one of us might wake up one day and suddenly want to die so we can use the spell then? That's bloody nonsense Eric!!!" I yelled.

"Not to me!!!" Eric yelled
"Maybe you've enjoyed your thousand years old cursed life and you still are enjoying it but I am not! You must want to live forever now to always be with your baby girl but I don't! My life is a mess Dianna don't you see? I am tired of this cursed life! Only reason I am still holding on is because of the demons that are still at large, once they've been taken care of and the world becomes a safe place for your baby girl, I was going to tell you that I want to use the immortal killing spell and finally end my life because after the long and rough road we've journeyed throughout our life, maybe you don't but I want some peace and quiet at the end of all this Dianna" Eric said.

"Some peace and quiet? Well look at where your yearning for some peace and quiet got us! There's someone out there with the aim of killing us all and she has a chance of doing that because of your selfishness!!!" I yelled.

"Be calm Dianna, Eric gave me the spell and it is safe with me, I hid it with a lot of magical protection so it is safe, no one can get to it, I promise" Eva said.

"Well I trust none of you no more, where's the spell? Get me the spell" I said

"Fine" Eva shrugged and stood up.

Eric and I followed her to her room and she led us to a secret door behind her shelf.

"The spell is hidden beyond this door and no one can force entry through this door Dianna, you could try and see" Eva said

"How hard can it be?" I said as I moved forward and tried to force my way through the door but a bigger force pulled me back and I staggered for a moment

"Like I said, no one can go through the door, not until I say so" Eva said as she whispered a spell and walked through the door with ease

"Come along, follow me" she said and Eric and I moved behind her.

The door lead to a staircase that went downwards to a large empty room.

"You never told me something like this existed" I said.

"I am not obliged to tell you everything" Eva uttered.

"Fine, so the spell?" I asked.

"Patience Dianna, it's just behind the wall" Eva said and began to mutter a spell.

The atmosphere suddenly became eerie and a part of the wall suddenly trudged out showing a box.

"It's in there" Eva said and I moved forward and grabbed the box.

"You two are lucky this spell didn't fall into the wrong hands, now I will be the one to do the needful and destroy this darn spell" I said as I opened the box but alas, it was empty.

"There's nothing in here" I said as I showed the empty box to Eva.

"That's impossible, the spell is supposed to be there!" Eva said.

"Well as you can see the bloody box is empty!!!" I yelled as I threw away the empty box.

"Calm down Dianna" Eric said.

"Shut your bloody mouth and do not fucking tell me to calm down!!!" I yelled "Can't you see? The spell is gone, probably in the hands of someone that wants us all dead and with the spell and Aria's ashes, the only missing ingredient to create a weapon powerful enough for killing an immortal is my baby's blood, because of your selfishness and disobedience Eric, my baby girl is now in danger!"

"Bella is safe here Dianna, you need not to worry" Eva said

"I need not to worry? How the hell is my baby safe in a mansion that has already been infiltrated and even with all the spells and protection, the immortal killing spell got stolen! My baby isn't safe here Eva so a I'm taking her away!" I stated.

"No Dianna" Eric grabbed my hand
"This is the safest place for little Bella, she is just a baby, she doesn't deserve to be on the run with you".

"But you caused this Eric! My instructions were clear, destroy the spell but that was too much of a task for you to carry out, who ever took the spell was capable of sneaking into a mansion protected by many spells and witches undetected and breaking through all Eva's powerful spells, whoever it is must be very powerful and if my baby girl remains here, getting her blood would be an easy task for our new enemy" I said.

"So where will you take her to then? Outside to the city that is filled with
escaped and angry demons?" Eva asked
"I understand your fears Dianna and I am as confused as you are, no one was supposed to be able to break through my spells but no matter how unsafe you feel this Mansion has become, it is still the safest place in the whole of Arcane County for your baby girl, I'll call some witches and we'll reinforce the spell protecting the Mansion, your baby is safe Dianna, I promise" Eva assured but I was still restless

Who could be powerful enough to break through all of Eva's spells and get the immortal killing spell undetected?

As much as I wondered the identity of our new enemy, my mind was chanting a name that I was continuously trying to ignore, but who else could it be?

He had promised to end my life and he's always the one to keep his promise, so is it you? Are you coming to fulfill your promise Ivan?......

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