Chapter 11

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Eric's POV

It was already dark and Dianna was still yet to return
Bella had woken up and the whole house was echoing with her cry and she wouldn't stop crying no matter what I did, it was as if she was telling me to go look for her mother and bring her back to her

"She still won't stop crying?" Eva asked as she walked in

"Something is wrong Eva, Dianna is supposed to be back by now" I said

"You think Ivan did something bad to her?" Eva asked

"They still don't have any weapon that can kill an immortal so Dianna is definitely alive but why is she not yet back, Dianna loves her baby a whole lot and she will do anything to come back to her but it's nightfall already and she's not back, something is wrong and I will have to find out" I said as I began to walk out

"Where are you going?" Eva asked as she followed me downstairs

"I have to find Dianna, stay with Bella are keep her safe, do not leave her side even for a moment" I said as I walked out of the house

"Be careful of the demons!" I heard Eva yell after me and I nodded

I walked into the dark street of Arcane City and I found my way to the Mansion I used to call home

I entered the mansion and I looked around at the scattered living room, cracked walls and broken chairs and table

"They were definitely here and they had obviously fought, a very bloody fight" I said as I touched the stains of blood on the ground

I looked around the house but there was no one
There were definitely here so where did they go from here? Where did they take you to Dianna?

Ivan's POV

We all sat on the couch while Dianna tried to escape her boundary, an effort that was not forthcoming

"So what are we gonna do?" Gia asked

"Is there a way we can get the demon out of her body?" I asked

"What if there's no need to get the demon out?" Ethan said

"Come on Ethan, I already explained to you why we need to get that thing out of her" I said

"Yeah and even though I do not want to, I really understand you mean but my point is what if we find a way to negotiate with the demon and she pretends to be Dianna and she gets us her baby's blood?" Ethan suggested

"Negotiate with a demon? And a potentes at that? Is that even possible?" Gia asked

"Even if it is, it wouldn't work Ethan, Eva and Eric are with her child and there's no way they wouldn't notice that Dianna is possessed" I said

"Well we'll definitely have to think of something because even if we want to expell the demon out of Dianna's body, I do not see how it is possible" Layla said

"What do you meant by that?" I asked

"Usually when a potentes posses a person, the only way of getting it out is by killing the person possessed, the potentes can't posses a dead body so it will be forced out" Layla explained

"But Dianna is an immortal, she cannot be killed even if we want to" Gia said

"My point exactly, a potentes main target is an immortal because when they posses an immortal, the immortal becomes their host forever as they cannot be killed so there's no way for them to be driven out of the body" Layla said

"So you are saying there's absolutely nothing we can do?" I asked

"Unless there's a way to stop her heart from beating, no there's absolutely nothing we can do" Layla said

"What if there is a way to do that?" Gia said

"How?" Layla asked

"I'll be back" Gia said as she stood up and I grabbed her hand

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Do you or do you not want that demon to be expelled out of Dianna because if you do you will let me go" she said and I let go of her hand

"And do not follow me, I'll be back as soon as I can" she said and I walked out

I looked at Layla and she shook her head
"Don't look at me, I told you I can't read her mind sometimes so I have no idea where she's going" Layla said

"We'll give her a few hours, if she's not back then we'll have to think of another solution" I said as I stood up and I walked to my room

I sat on the bed and moments later Ethan walked in

"Any problem?" I asked

"Well I.... I noticed from outside, you are still bleeding Ivan" Ethan pointed out and I looked at my stomach
Indeed I was still bleeding, some wood from the plank Dianna had plunged into my stomach was still there and it was stopping the cut from closing up

"Oh, I'll get the wood out" I said as I tried to remove it

"Wait, I'll remove it, I'll get it out for you" Ethan said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Don't worry Ivan, I am not scared of seeing blood" Ethan said as he moved closer to me and pulled out the wood

"See? It is done" he said and stood back up

"Thanks" I muttered

"You said you'll make Dianna suffer, I'll be holding you up to your promise Ivan" he said
I nodded and he turned to leave

"How did you first discover that you had become the Guardian of The Hell Gates?" I asked

"On the morning Sophie dropped me off at school from your place, I had felt really uneasy, she told me she was going on some kind of mission with you and your siblings and that she might be late to pick me up from school so I told her to just promise me that even if she is late, she will be there to pick me up and she did and I trusted her because she has never a broken a promise she made to me before. I was restless at school and minutes before school closed, I suddenly had this overwhelming headache and I fainted, when I woke up I was in the school clinic, school had already closed hours ago and Sophie didn't come and I knew she was never going to come, somehow, I felt she was gone and instead of Sophie, Gia showed up at the clinic to pick me up, the look on her face, I knew she had brought bad news, one I was not ready to hear, she tried to calm me down and tell me but I was angry, so angry that when I only wanted to shout my pain out, a loud shrill escaped from my mouth sending Gia flying to the floor and the clinic attendant with us was sent flying to the wall, he was human and he hit his head pretty badly on the wall so he bled to death before I could do anything, that was when I knew I had killed someone and things were never going to be the same again for my only family was dead and I had suddenly transformed into this beast with powers I couldn't control".......

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