Chapter 19

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Eric's POV

I sat beside Eva's bed as she was yet to wake up
It seemed more like she was just asleep now and she looked so tired

"Rest Eva, you really need it" Eric said

"She's resting for too long don't you think?" Dianna asked as she walked in

"Where's Bella?" I asked

"She's asleep" Dianna said

"She should sleep, she had a rough day too"

"Ivan took her blood too Eric, they have all they need to complete the immortal killing spell" Dianna said

"I am well aware of that"

"Then how can you still be so calm?!!" Dianna yelled

"Let's go out, you might wake Eva up" I said as I stood up

"She needs to wake up, we need her the most now, we need a powerful witch like her to cast her spells and tell us the way forward" Dianna said

"She seems tired Dianna, I think she's sleeping now, we should leave her to rest" I said

"She can rest later, she needs to wake up now and tell us the way forward" Dianna said as she moved towards Eva and I grabbed her hand

"You do not care about her do you?! All you care about is using her to achieve your aims regardless of the effect it will have on her, you don't care about her, you do not care about anyone at all, all you do is use people to achieve your aims!!!" I yelled
"This is exactly why Ivan is not together with us today, you care about no one Dianna, no one except your baby, sometimes I wonder why I am still here with you" I said and walked out

Ivan's POV

It was midnight and I had just woken up from a dream, the daily dream that I've always had each time I close my eyes since Sophie died
I stood up and walked out of my room the living room and I met Ethan there, alone and busy with some spells

"What are you doing? Why aren't you asleep?" I asked Ethan

"I'm trying to figure the right way to combine the blood with all the other ingredients we have according to the immortal killing spell" Ethan said

"You can always do that tomorrow Ethan, you should be sleeping now and recuperating your strength" I said

"No, I can do it now, I don't want to postpone sister's revenge any longer, we've already delayed getting justice for her for too long" Ethan said

"Ethan you...." I suddenly heard the door creaked and I stood up

"What is it?" Ethan asked

"Shhh" I motioned as I slowly and silently walked towards the door
Then I saw Gia walk in

"Gia?! Where are you coming from by this time?" I asked

"I just went for a night stroll" she said

"By midnight?" I asked

"I didn't realize we had a curfew" Gia said

"There are still demons out there Gia and nighttime is their hunting time, the last thing we want is for you to be possessed by a potentes like what happened to Dianna" I said and she nodded

"Yeah I'll be careful of the demons" she said and walked off to her room

"Don't be surprised, she always go for her night strolls every night" Ethan said

"Every night?" I asked and Ethan nodded

"Where's Layla?" I asked Ethan

"The old witch is probably asleep in her room by now" Ethan said and I nodded

I went to Layla's room and she was asleep

"I'm really sorry but I have to wake you up Layla" I said as I gently tapped her
"Layla" I called and she shifted on her bed

"Layla, please wake up will you?" I said as I tapped her and she opened her eyes

"Ivan?" she called as she sat up

"Yeah, I apologize for waking you up" I said and she looked at me surprised

"Are you sure you are Ivan? What happened to you?" she asked

"Of course I'm Ivan, what do you mean what happened to me?" I asked

"Well I can't remember the last time Ivan Hammington apologized for disturbing my sleep or my life in general" she said and I scoffed

"I have a serious purpose for being in your room and waking you up by midnight"

"Right, so what's going on? Who is trying to kill us or who do we have to kill?" she asked and I ignored her sarcasm

"I need you to cast a tracking spell on Gia"

"That won't be a problem, I'll..... wait did I hear you say a tracking spell on Gia?" Layla asked surprised and I nodded

"Yeah and you must do it discreetly, she must not know about it" I said

"Sure but can I ask why you suddenly want to keep tabs on your sister's location?" Layla asked

"Can't you just read my mind and find out? Do I have to tell you?" I asked

"You know I would've read your mind right away without asking but it's too dark around here and I can't barely see anything, I can't look into your eyes to see what you are thinking" Layla stated

"Okay, Gia has been acting suspicious and as much as I do not want to doubt my sister, I despise been lied to and the moment I discover that she's being lying to me, well let's just say things are gonna get pretty ugly real fast"

"Wow, and here I thought the ruthless Ivan Hammington has finally gone to rest but I was obviously very wrong" Layla uttered

"Can you cast the spell or not?" I asked

"Of course I can, I'll just need her hair or her blood, anyone that you can easily get me" Layla said

"I'll get you here hair by tomorrow" I said as I stood up
"You may go back to sleep now" I said and I walked out of Layla's room

Ethan we still in the living room working on the immortal killing spell
I wanted him to go to bed but he obviously wasn't going to listen to me

"Don't stay up too late Ethan" I said and he nodded

I went to my room and sat on the bed
What is Gia hiding?
What has she possibly got up her sleeves?....

Morning came faster then I expected, I had dozed off on the bed while thinking of Gia last night
I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door, I have to find a way to get Gia's hair today without her noticing

I walked out of my and headed for Gia's room, but I stopped when I noticed something was out of order
I looked at the living room and Ethan was unconscious on the floor


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