Chapter 8

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Eric's POV

"Gia!" I mouthed as I saw Gia immediately I stepped out of the gate and our eyes locked for a moment

"What is going on?" I heard Eva say as she stepped out of the gate and I looked at her

"What's the noises about?" she asked and then saw the burning building

"What the hell...." she said as she walked towards the burning house

I looked back to where Gia was and she was gone
I ran to the spot she stood and looked around yet I couldn't see her anywhere

"Why did you suddenly show up here Gia? What are you up to?" I thought out loud

I walked back to meet Eva who was speaking with the couple that owned the burnt house

".....and he just came in and asked us to leave else he'll burn the house along with us inside" the couple was saying as I came to stand beside Eva

"Who is he? Did you recognize him? Do you know his name?" Eva asked

"He said his name is Ivan, Ivan Hammington" they said and Eva looked at me wide-eyed

Eva spoke with a witch to find accomodation for the couple somewhere else and she walked towards the Mansion and stopped at the gate
She muttered some spell and looked at me

"He tried to break in" she said as we walked into the house

"What is going on outside?" Dianna asked immediately we walked in holding Bella to her chest

"The house beside us was set ablaze, by Ivan" Eva said

"What?!" Dianna exclaimed

"While reinforcing the protection round this house, I had put a spell on the gate, if anyone whom I haven't authorized tries to open the gate, they get burnt to ashes immediately and when I was coming I noticed something did touch the gate and was set ablaze and turned to ashes, Ivan wanted to break into the house so he burnt the house beside us to create a distraction and then tried to get in through the gate, though he obviously did not succeed" Eva said

"So he has began to make his moves already" Dianna said

"There is no need to worry Dianna, he didn't succeed now and he won't succeed even if he tries again" Eva said

"I shouldn't worry? In case you do not know his aim is to kill me Eva, and he came for baby's blood because that is the only thing he needs now to complete the immortal killing spell! There's no way I'm letting him close to my baby girl Eva, no way!" Dianna said

"He was not alone" I said and they both looked at me

"What do you mean he was not alone?" Eva asked

"He didn't come here alone, Gia was with him, I saw her" I stated and Dianna chuckled

"What the hell was I expecting? If Gia isn't here with then she is sure to be with Ivan and against us" she said and then faced Eva

"I don't care how you do it but I need Ivan's location as soon as possible, whatever you have to do, whichever way you are going to do it, I need you to get Ivan's location, by whatever means necessary, he threw all family sentiments away and I am going to do so too, I will get him before he is able to come for my baby's blood" Dianna said

"I have been trying to find his location but it has all been futile" Eva said

"Well then try something else!!!" Dianna yelled and Bella began to cry

"Try something else, I need to know where he is in order to get him before he comes for us all" Dianna said and walked upstairs with her baby

Eva sighed and slumped from the chair
"Nothing good ever comes from associating with you Hammingtons" she said

"You could try and channel me" I said and she looked at me "Maybe the reason your spell isn't working is because their power source is bigger than yours so you can channel this thousand years old immortal and use me as your power source"

Eva nodded and stood up
"That is actually not a bad idea" she said as she immediately went to get a large map and placed it on the table
"Ivan is your brother so I'll be needing your blood" she said

I grabbed a dagger and made a cut on my hand, letting my blood drip on the map she had laid on the table

"You ready?" She asked and I nodded

"We've actually done this before so this shouldn't be hard" I said and she smiled and held my hand

"Vénrätä Úlâs" she chanted

Ivan's POV

Gia and I drove back and she was unusually silent through the ride back

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Of course, I'm fine" she nodded

We walked into the house and met Layla in the living room
"How did whatever it is you people went out to do go?" she asked

"We'll know if our mission today was fruitful soon" I said and Ethan suddenly walked out of his room

"They are trying to track you and get your location!" Ethan said frantically

"Did you not put a caution spell around to make sure no one can cast a spell to find this place?" Layla asked

"I did but Eva seemed to have upgraded, this time her spell is stronger than before and she might be able to break my caution spell and find this place!" Ethan said

"I told you Ivan, I told you burning that house and causing so much commotion was a bad plan, look at the outcome now" Gia said

"This is part of the plan sister" I said and they all looked at me

"You want them to find our hideout?" Ethan asked

"No but I need you to direct their locator spell to another place, they are casting a locator spell to find where we are so can you make it look like I am at the Hammington Mansion? Can you do that Ethan?" I asked

"I.... I don't know, I've never tried deflecting a locator spell to another place before, I don't know how to go about it" Ethan said

"I guess being the Guardian of The Hell Gates doesn't give you all the world's knowledge" Layla said as he walked towards Ethan and grabbed his hand

"We are going to combine our powers and deflect their locator spell to the Hammington Mansion so you'll have to repeat each word I say correctly" Layla said and Ethan nodded

"Àpnê én verátë" Layla chanted and Ethan repeated after her

"Blás tüén trá" they continued

Eric's POV
Eva continued to chant her spell as I could feel my body grow weaker and weaker till she suddenly stopped and I fell on the floor

"Tell me you found them and that wasn't all for nothing" I said as I stood back up

"I did found them and you won't believe where they are" Eva said

"Where are they?"

"The Hammington Mansion" Eva said


"You heard me right, that's where my locator spell led me to so go tell Dianna, we found Ivan so she better do whatever she wants to do fast before they move from the Mansion" Eva said and I nodded

The Mansion? Why will they go back to a place that is filled with the memories of all of us together when they hate Dianna and I now?

I climbed up the stairs as my thoughts wandered and I remembered the moment I saw Gia this morning, she looked different, she had cut her hair and the black top she was wearing clearly exposed the tattoo of a viper on her arm, she looked different yet her look was very much familiar cause she looked just exactly the same with the way she was in her death slumber when she was living her worst nightmare.....

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